JacobTheCoder87 / credit-risk-model-stability

This project is for the Kaggle competition: Home Credit - Credit Risk Model Stability.
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Feature Definition (Part 3) #4

Open JacobTheCoder87 opened 4 months ago

JacobTheCoder87 commented 4 months ago

Feature Definition (Part 3)

We decided to split up the work evenly between the three of us. We will each be identifying where the columns from the Feature Definition documents is located on Kaggle. We will each be noting down the exact name of the file where we found the column and also download it personally on our machine. At the end we will be combining everything together in order to move onto our next step.

Ramon will be responsible for part 3 this includes the following:

Character 17) avgdbddpdlast3m_4187120P: Average days past or before due of payment during the last 3 months. (Credit history) 18) education_927M: Education level of the person. (Measure of character)

Collateral 19) collater_typofvalofguarant_298M: Collateral valuation type (active contract) (Collateral), 20) collater_typofvalofguarant_407M: Collateral valuation type (closed contract). (Collateral), 21) collater_valueofguarantee_1124L: Value of collateral for active contract. (Collateral), 22) collater_valueofguarantee_876L: Value of collateral for closed contract. (Collateral), 23) collaterals_typeofguarante_359M: Type of collateral that was used as a guarantee for a closed contract. (Collateral), 24) collaterals_typeofguarante_669M: Collateral type for the active contract. (Collateral)

RamonM1 commented 4 months ago

Character 17) avgdbddpdlast3m_4187120P: Average days past or before due of payment during the last 3 months. (Credit history) 18) education_927M: Education level of the person. (Measure of character)

Collateral 19) collater_typofvalofguarant_298M: Collateral valuation type (active contract) (Collateral), 20) collater_typofvalofguarant_407M: Collateral valuation type (closed contract). (Collateral), 21) collater_valueofguarantee_1124L: Value of collateral for active contract. (Collateral), 22) collater_valueofguarantee_876L: Value of collateral for closed contract. (Collateral), 23) collaterals_typeofguarante_359M: Type of collateral that was used as a guarantee for a closed contract. (Collateral), 24) collaterals_typeofguarante_669M: Collateral type for the active contract. (Collateral)

FILES: 17: test_static_0_0.csv, test_static_0_1.csv, test_static_0_2.csv train_static_0_0.csv, train_static_0_1.csv

18: test_person_1.csv train_person_1.csv

19-24: test_credit_bureau_a_2_0.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_1.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_10.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_11.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_2.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_3.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_4.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_5.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_6.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_7.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_8.csv, test_credit_bureau_a_2_9.csv

train_credit_bureau_a_2_0.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_1.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_3.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_4.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_5.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_6.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_7.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_8.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_9.csv, train_credit_bureau_a_2_10.csv