Jacobs63 / vue3-tabs-component

Vue 3 tabs component
MIT License
96 stars 27 forks source link

Customizing #5

Closed john- closed 3 years ago

john- commented 3 years ago

This probably has nothing to do with this tab component and is probably basic html/css stuff.

I am using the sample code from the README.md:

        <tab name="First tab">
            First tab content
        <tab name="Second tab">
            Second tab content
        <tab name="Third tab">
            Third tab content

When rendered in the browser, it looks like this: vue3_tab_component The tabs function as expected. However, how do I get it to display as a row of tabs on a single line? Is this done with CSS? If there is an example of how to do this it would be appreciated.

Jacobs63 commented 3 years ago


flexbox could be an elegant solution for styling the tabs header.

I'm currently working on a demo for the package, which will contain example styles aswell.

john- commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I will take a look at flex box.