Open bmaclach opened 5 years ago
Have any updates on this issue been made?
No updates, the original description is still accurate.
I started working on this ticket by looking for where everything was defined to gain some more understanding on the "Chunk hierarchy" and "chunk types".
are conceptual symbolic quantities ('DefinedQuantityDict
') with 'Constraint's and maybe a reasonable value (no units!).DefinedQuantityDict
is the combination of a 'Concept' and a 'Quantity'. Contains a 'ConceptChunk
', a 'Symbol' dependent on 'Stage', a 'Space', and maybe a 'UnitDefn'.ConceptChunk
datatype is a Concept that contains an idea ('IdeaDict'), a definition ('Sentence'), and a domain (['UID']).ConstrainedChunks
are symbolic quantities ('QuantityDict') with 'Constraint's and maybe a typical value ('Maybe' 'Expr')QuantityDict
is a combination of an 'IdeaDict' with a quantity. Contains an 'IdeaDict', 'Space', a function from 'Stage' -> 'Symbol', and 'Maybe' a 'UnitDefn'.I still have a few questions though:
and ConstrainedChunk
" does this mean the new chunk type should work in the middle of what QuantityDict
& ConstrainedChunk
currently do, or it should just be physically placed between the definitions of the other 2 chunk types.@JacquesCarette @smiths
Your summary of the hierarchy and some of the types accords with my memory of them.
is on exception: it adds two. So there are 2 missing things, in between QuantityDict
and ConstrainedChunk
adds 2 features to QuantityDict
. The 'diagram' should instead be like a diamond, where you add 1 feature, then the next, in both orders. The 'inheritance' graph is then diamond shaped.Okay thank you!, so the new chunk type created that lies between ConstrainedChunk and QuantityDict should add one of the new features that ConstrainedChunk adds to QuantityDict instead. So it would be ConstrainedChunk -> NewChunk -> QuantityDict & DefinedQuantityDict -> NewChunk2 -> ConstrConcept?
So there should be ConstrainedChunk -> NewChunk -> QuantityDict and ConstrainedChunk -> NewChunk2 -> QuantityDict.
There might be a need to do something similar with DefinedQuantityDict and ConstrConcept, I'm less clear about that.
I've been going through some chunk types and wanted to share what i think I should do... currently this is how ConstrainedChunk & QuantityDict are defined:
data ConstrainedChunk = ConstrainedChunk { _qd :: QuantityDict
, _constr :: [Constraint]
, _reasV :: Maybe Expr
makeLenses ''ConstrainedChunk
data QuantityDict = QD { _id' :: IdeaDict
, _typ' :: Space
, _symb' :: Stage -> Symbol
, _unit' :: Maybe UnitDefn
makeLenses ''QuantityDict
i'll have to create a new file New.hs
and have ConstrainedChunk now be:
data ConstrainedChunk = ConstrainedChunk { _nc :: NewChunk
, _constr :: [Constraint]
, _reasV :: Maybe Expr
makeLenses ''ConstrainedChunk
data NewChunk = NewChunk (or NC) { _qd :: QuantityDict
The questions i have are?:
what should the new chunk type should be called?
where the **** is, what should the contents of this chunk type be aside QuantityDict
what classes should it initiate in its file? (instead of ConstrainedChunk)
is it really necessary to create a new file? or should i put it in an already existing file, as long as the sequence doesn't break.
@JacquesCarette Also can i first go ahead and change the function reasVal
so its a lens to Expr
instead of Maybe Expr
Note: you don't need to tag me, I'll get an email either way.
This process is good (i.e. listing out your knowledge and questions) in issues.
So what you want to end up with is essentially:
data ConstrainedQDef = ConstrainedQDef { _qd :: QuantityDict
, _constr :: [Constraint] -- should really be NEList
-- not the lack of Maybe below
data ReasonableValueQDef = RVQD { _qd :: QuantityDict
, reasV :: Expr
data ConstrReasQDef = CRQD { _qd :: QuantityDict
, _constr :: [Constraint]
, reasV :: Expr
and then actually delete ConstrainedChunk
entirely, once you are done migrating the examples.
For now, you can put all of them in the same file as with ConstrainedChunk
, we can split them later.
You can't actually change _reasV
in ConstrainedChunk
to be a lens to Expr
because too many examples don't actually have a 'reasonable value' defined in them. That's why you need to create ConstrainedQDef
first, switch the constructors of ConstrainedChunk
that put Nothing
in _reasV
to instead build ConstrainedQDef
(and fix whatever breaks). Then you can make that change -- and you may as well change the name to ConstrReasQDef
while doing it.
A question: in going through & editing the code I reached a point were i had to look through were the constructors (cuc, cvc, cnstrw
) that previously were for ConstrainedChunk are used. At a point i saw an instance of when cnstrw
is used but then leads to cvc
being used when you follow the link to the list item:
constrained :: [ConstrainedChunk]
constrained = map cnstrw inputDataConstraints ++
[cnstrw probBr, cnstrw probFail, cnstrw stressDistFac]
when the link to probFail
is followed it leads to:
probFail = cvc "probFail" (nounPhraseSP "probability of failure")
(sub cP lFail) Rational
[probConstr] (Just $ dbl 0.4)
Is this normal? It seems like the usage of a constructor within another that was defined in the same file and originally have the same chunk type.
This is harmless. I think someone was just trying to be uniform when defining the constrained
list. In this case, the extra cnstrw
on probFail
could be removed, because it's already of the right type.
While this ticket has a design, the ticket doesn't explain why 'reasonable values' are needed, where they should propagate to, nor the choices made in the design. Why do we need 'reasonable values' and where do they appear? Why should reasonable values be defined on the quantity-chunk-level and not on the SRS-problem-level?
Those are good questions @balacij . Having 'reasonable values' the way they exist in Drasil (aka at the Chunk level) is actually a non-trivial innovation we've done [that we need to document in a paper somewhere...] but just isn't documented anywhere. I guess it might show up in @szymczdm 's thesis.
This is yet another issue that links in to the design of the "knowledge capture" part.
@balacij reasonable values are part of the requirements documentation. They give an idea of a typical value that helps the reader understand the problem. The goal is to have the documentation capture expert knowledge. We saw the value of "reasonable values" in your beam bending example. Some of your initial testing results were strange because you had a reasonable Young's modulus (of 200 GPa), but an unreasonable load (of 1 N). Although it is mathematically well defined, asking the deflection of a steel beam under the weight of an apple.
I don't know if we currently do this, but the reasonable values are problem specific. It is the combination of values that are reasonable, not a single value. For instance, a load of 1 N would be reasonable if the software was used for a school project where students built a structure using popsicle sticks.
Thank you both!
I don't know if we currently do this, but the reasonable values are problem specific. It is the combination of values that are reasonable, not a single value. For instance, a load of 1 N would be reasonable if the software was used for a school project where students built a structure using popsicle sticks.
Reasonable values are captured through ConstraintChunks
at the moment -- ConstrainedChunk
s are QuantityDict
s with constraints and (optional) 'reasonable values', so it's at the quantity-level as opposed to problem level. I like this line of thinking you bring up. I don't think reasonable values should be tied at the level of definition of quantities (e.g., the QuantityDict referred to in a ConstrainedChunk should have a different UID than the CC).
Should the Physical System Description introduce all the input symbols and output symbols of a problem? If so, we should be able to search for the input symbols and output symbols in the user-authored PSDs rather than designation in the SystemInformation
packets. Additionally, if this is the case, then we might also consider discussing the reasonable values there too (this might also draw up a sort of rationale for the reasonable values declared in the table of input symbols).
I like the idea of providing a rationale for a given set of reasonable values. My view is that reasonable values are pieces of knowledge that are tied to a specific problem. I don't have an opinion on where the knowledge is stored inside Drasil, but for the generated SRS, it could appear in the introduction, in the physical system description, and in the table summarizing the input constraints (data constraints table).
If I remember correctly, I've talked about this recently with @samm82 in the context of Projectile. For Projectile there are typical problems, which each have typical values, such as:
I could make a similar list of potential typical problems for the beam bending problem, or ssp, or any of the examples.
The reasonable values are another example of a program family variability. We have a choice when we create a specific family member. Will we allow a range of typical values, or will we customize our problem to just a few options? For instance, we could say the purpose of the software is to support high school physics experiments, so the typical values wouldn't include firing bullets.
In the introduction to the SRS we can mention the typical examples that are in the scope of the project. If we stored this information as chunks, we could generate this text. The projectile introduction already mentions some typical examples, but those examples aren't tied to specific sets of typical (for that example) input values.
In a way, this is related to #2306 : what is the intent of reasonable values? I think the exposition by @smiths above (indirectly) shows that our current implementation does not match the intent.
Currently reasonable values are introduced at the same level as constraints in the chunk hierarchy (
). Reasonable values should instead be introduced independently from constraints. New chunk types should be created to lie betweenQuantityDict
and betweenDefinedQuantityDict
. These new chunk types would add the field for reasonable values, and thenConstrainedChunk
should be updated to remove their reasonable value fields.Also, the current
class provides functionreasVal
which is a lens to aMaybe Expr
. This should instead be just a lens toExpr
, and the new chunks described above should represent the reasonable value asExpr
, notMaybe Expr
. Then a new class,MayHaveReasVal
, should be created and provide a lens to aMaybe Expr
, since some things will not have reasonable values.