Closed smiths closed 5 months ago
Past the first item in the agenda I have not filled in the details. I want to make sure that we are working on the most pressing topics and take advantage of our last in-person meeting with @JacquesCarette. @balacij, @B-rando1 and @BilalM04 please let me know what design discussions are most pressing. The goal isn't an update on everyone's work, the goal is to dive into design discussions on issues that are blocking progress. The agenda items should point to specific issues or PRs. The more detail that is provided in the agenda, the better.
@B-rando1 I already added it to the agenda once I saw that there were some design issues that will need to be discussed. :smile:
@smiths At the moment, there are no pressing issues that are hindering progress from my part. If any questions do pop up, I anticipate they can be easily discussed in the issue tracker or the discussion board.
Sounds good @BilalM04. My guess is that we won't have time to discuss 3 agenda items anyway. :smile:
message :: QuantityDict
message = vc "message" (nounPhraseSent (S "output message as a string")) lS String
glassbr/../(Concepts.hs + Unitals.hs)
loadDurFactor :: CI
loadDurFactor = commonIdeaWithDict "loadDurFactor" (nounPhraseSP "load duration factor") "LDF" [idglass]
lDurFac :: DefinedQuantityDict
lDurFac = vc'' loadDurFactor (variable "LDF") Real
flightDur, landPos, launAngle, launSpeed, offset, targPos :: ConstrConcept
flightDur = constrainedNRV' (uc C.flightDur (subStr lT "flight") Real second) [gtZeroConstr]
probBr, probFail, pbTolfail, stressDistFac :: ConstrainedChunk
probBr = cvc "probBr" (nounPhraseSP "probability of breakage")
(sub cP lBreak) Real
[probConstr] (Just $ dbl 0.4)
flightDurUnc :: UncertQ
flightDurUnc = uq flightDur defaultUncrt
pbTol :: UncertainChunk
pbTol = uvc "pbTol" (nounPhraseSP "tolerable probability of breakage")
(sub cP (Concat [lBreak, lTol])) Real
[probConstr] (dbl 0.008) (uncty 0.001 Nothing)
speedIX, speedIY :: DataDefinition
speedIX = ddENoRefs speedIXQD Nothing "speedIX" [speedRef, figRef]
speedIY = ddENoRefs speedIYQD Nothing "speedIY" [speedRef, figRef]
speedIXQD, speedIYQD :: SimpleQDef
speedIXQD = mkQuantDef ixVel $ sy iSpeed `mulRe` cos (sy launAngle)
speedIYQD = mkQuantDef iyVel $ sy iSpeed `mulRe` sin (sy launAngle)
(Nothing = No Derivation)
timeIM :: InstanceModel
timeIM = imNoRefs (equationalModelN (nounPhraseSP "calculation of landing time") timeQD)
[qwC launSpeed $ UpFrom (Exc, exactDbl 0)
,qwC launAngle $ Bounded (Exc, exactDbl 0) (Exc, half $ sy pi_)]
(qw flightDur) [UpFrom (Exc, exactDbl 0)]
(Just timeDeriv) "calOfLandingTime" [angleConstraintNote, gravitationalAccelConstNote, timeConsNote]
timeQD :: SimpleQDef
timeQD = mkQuantDef flightDur E.flightDur'
timeDeriv :: Derivation
timeDeriv = mkDerivName (phrase flightDur) (weave [timeDerivSents, map eS timeDerivEqns])
timeDerivSents :: [Sentence]
timeDerivSents = [timeDerivSent1, timeDerivSent2, timeDerivSent3, timeDerivSent4, timeDerivSent5]
timeDerivSent1, timeDerivSent2, timeDerivSent3, timeDerivSent4, timeDerivSent5 :: Sentence
timeDerivSent1 = foldlSentCol [S "We know that" +:+.
foldlList Comma List
[eqnWSource (sy iyPos $= E.iyPos) launchOrigin,
eqnWSource (sy yConstAccel $= E.yConstAccel) accelYGravity],
launcher, projectile, target, projSpeed, projPos :: ConceptChunk
launcher = dcc "launcher" (nounPhraseSP "launcher") ("where the projectile is launched from " ++
"and the device that does the launching")
projectile = dcc "projectile" (nounPhraseSP "projectile") "the object to be launched at the target"
target = dcc "target" (nounPhraseSP "target") "where the projectile should be launched to"
si :: SystemInformation
si = SI {
_sys = projectileTitle,
_kind = Doc.srs,
_authors = [samCrawford, brooks, spencerSmith],
_purpose = [purp],
_background = [],
_quants = symbols,
_concepts = [] :: [DefinedQuantityDict],
_instModels = iMods,
_datadefs = dataDefs,
_configFiles = [],
_inputs = inputs,
_outputs = outputs,
_defSequence = [] :: [Block SimpleQDef],
_constraints = map cnstrw constrained,
_constants = constants,
_sysinfodb = symbMap,
_usedinfodb = usedDB,
refdb = refDB
assumptions :: [ConceptInstance]
assumptions = [twoDMotion, cartSyst, yAxisGravity, launchOrigin, targetXAxis,
posXDirection, constAccel, accelXZero, accelYGravity, neglectDrag, pointMass,
freeFlight, neglectCurv, timeStartZero, gravAccelValue]
twoDMotion, ... :: ConceptInstance
twoDMotion = cic "twoDMotion" twoDMotionDesc "twoDMotion" assumpDom
twoDMotionDesc :: Sentence
twoDMotionDesc = atStartNP (NP.the (projMotion `is` twoD)) +:+. sParen (getAcc twoD)
targetHit :: ConceptInstance
targetHit = cic "targetHit"
(S "Determine if the" +:+ phrase projectile +:+ S "hits the" +:+. phrase target)
"targetHit" goalStmtDom
metre, ... :: UnitDefn
metre = fund "metre" "length" "m"
verifyInVals :: ConceptInstance
verifyInVals = cic "verifyInVals" verifyParamsDesc "Verify-Input-Values" funcReqDom
verifyParamsDesc :: Sentence
verifyParamsDesc = foldlSent [S "Check the entered", plural inValue,
S "to ensure that they do not exceed the" +:+. namedRef (datCon [] []) (plural datumConstraint),
S "If any of the", plural inValue, S "are out of bounds" `sC`
S "an", phrase errMsg, S "is displayed" `S.andThe` plural calculation, S "stop"]
All agenda items were covered.
Great example chunks @balacij. We should use this list again as we consider the design of the chunk graph.
The agenda is as follows
3773 Design of chunks and attributes progress @balacij and @NoahCardoso
3781, #3781 (@B-rando1)
Regrets: ?