Jacquesvw / PhocaCart-BtcpayServer-Plugin

The Phoca Cart BTCPay Plugin allows you to integrate BTCPay Server as a payment method in your Joomla! website using Phoca Cart.
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After payment, another invoice gets created #1

Closed ndeet closed 3 weeks ago

ndeet commented 3 weeks ago


thanks a lot for all your work to integrate BTCPay Server to Phoca Cart. I'm testing it at the moment so we can recommend it through our socials.

There is an issue though: When you go to checkout and pay the invoice (e.g. via LN) then you see the success page (green checkmark) and there is the button "Go back to STORENAME", when I click that, the modal closes but the loading indicator spins again and generates a new invoice again.

PHP 8.2 Tested with Joomla 4.4.9 Phoca Cart 4.0.11 latest plugin BTCPay Server 1.13.5 and 2.0.2 (both same behaviour)

ndeet commented 3 weeks ago

I can now see why that happened, it is because I was testing locally and the webhook did not arrive and update the order status. I think this is probably fine but could cause problems if there is a delayed webhook delivery for whatever reason.

I see you check the invoice status in the modal processing, you could maybe somehow change the payment status there to something else from pending so it does not trigger again if the webhook is delayed.