Jacubeit / Bitcoin-MoneyMoney

MIT License
8 stars 13 forks source link

Replace Chain.so API by blockchain.info #7

Open JimLoose opened 5 years ago

JimLoose commented 5 years ago


mightyx commented 5 years ago

Hey, I tested this pull request and for me it works. Thank you!

JimLoose commented 5 years ago


only the commit message is wrong: the new provider is: blockchain.info

amnesia106 commented 4 years ago

Please merge this request

aaronk6 commented 4 years ago

@Jacubeit Is this repository still actively maintained? I am the creator of a few other crypto extensions for MoneyMoney. If you’re not interested in maintaining this anymore, I’m happy to fork it and handle the communication Michael from MoneyMoney to get it signed. Let me know!

mightyx commented 4 years ago

@aaronk6 I think you should go for it. This seems not maintained anymore.

Jacubeit commented 4 years ago

yes @aaronk6 please go for it. I have no time currently - thank you very much

mightyx commented 4 years ago

the coinmarketcap api does not work anymore, does somebody has a fix for this. Everyone can request a API code for free for the new api pro-api.coinmarketcap.com.

tmlee commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, you might want to consider the CoinGecko API as a switch https://www.coingecko.com/en/api It is easy to use and no keys required

mightyx commented 4 years ago

it is currently fixed in PR https://github.com/Jacubeit/Bitcoin-MoneyMoney/pull/9

now we have everything from blockchain.info and also do not need API keys.

mightyx commented 4 years ago

JFYI: MoneyMoney signed the PR #9 And this is the Repo Fork now: https://github.com/UdoBretz/Bitcoin-MoneyMoney

aaronk6 commented 4 years ago

@Jacubeit, looks like @mightyx was quicker than me 😀

However, I’ve forked the Bitcoin Cash extension and submitted it to MoneyMoney for code signing.