JadHajjar / Skyve

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Linux (Proton) compatibility steps #42

Open gerbal opened 1 month ago

gerbal commented 1 month ago

Skyve takes a bit of fiddling to get running in a CSII Proton installation. Here are the steps I took on Manjaro



Via the terminal

# CSII steam id is 949230

# install dependencies
protontricks $STEAM_ID dotnet472 

# Run Skyve with protontricks-launcher. 
# steam installation and skyve installation directory may vary. The default is 
#  `~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/949230/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Skyve CS-II` 

SKYVE_PATH="steamapps/compatdata/$STEAM_ID/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Skyve CS-II/Skyve.exe"

protontricks-launch --appid $STEAM_ID  "$STEAM_DIR/$SKYVE_PATH"

Via the protontricks GUI

  1. Install Wine dependency
    • Launch Protontricks
    • select "Cities Skylines II" from the list of Wine prefixes
    • click "ok" on any error messages
    • "Select the default wineprefix"
    • "Install a Windoes DLL or component"
    • Install "dotnet472"
  2. Run Skyve
    • navigate your file browser to the Skyve directory in the Steam compatdata, usually at $STEAM_DIR/steamapps/compatdata/949230/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Skyve CS-II/
    • right click Skyve.ex, Open with, select "Protontricks launcher" from the app list
    • select Cities Skylines II form the list of Wine prefixes
    • :tada:
SirNoName2705 commented 1 month ago

Did not work for me, but I leave some information anyways if you might encounter the same issues. My system is Kubuntu 24.04 Steam was installed in $HOME/.steam/steam I have tried proton experimental, and the latest proton version which is 9.0.1 for me. I installed protontricks with flatpak, pipx and also the ubuntu deb package, but it is outdated. The errors I am getting are often something along the line of 32bit should be more compatible but I ignored them. I also saw in the terminal that some packages are missing but it continued so I ignored them. They also come up when I launch the setup manually: Dependencies of libnvidia-pkcs11.so.535.161.08 not found ignoring: Missing dependencies: Could not find "libcrypto.so.1.1" in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (unset), ld.so.cache, DT_RUNPATH or fallback /lib:/usr/lib)

When I install the dot net version for some reason it fails most of them and even if it goes through I can not hit install Skyve because it says dot net v4 is missing.

I tried also both the Terminal and the gui walkthrough. I also tried different versions of the dot net, but it did not work.

I also tried to launch the skyve setup.exe from the /pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/.cache/Mods/mods_subscribed/75804_14/ dir but it gave me the same error that I need to install the dot net frame work. Btw. I have tried multiple times with different orders and versions. It either does not work because of missing dependencies or it does nothing.

What I mean by orders is, if I try to click install skvye in the game just plain without any protontricks installations then it will do nothing and show me no response.

When I install dot net via protontricks and then try to instal skyve ingame, it will throw the missing deps dotnet error

SirNoName2705 commented 1 month ago

Proton 8.0.4 allowed me to click install Skyve and this did work, but the installation of dot net 4 failed again. I have gotten the error that windows module installer is not aviable on this machine during the dot net 4.5 installation. I will look into that.

I also got this error some times, do not see why that is: com.github.Matoking.protontricks/cache/protontricks/proton/Proton 8.0/bin/wine dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64.exe /q /c:install.exe /q returned status 67. Aborting

Edit2: Ok now I am not quite sure what is going on. I have installed skyve and this worked. Then I tried to run skyve exe, this had not worked. Then I installed dot net via protontricks, that did not worked iirc. Then I opened the game and clicked install Skyve, now I get the error that dot net v4 is missing. But it worked to click install skyve before, so I do not get it.

SirNoName2705 commented 1 month ago

If you want to get help you should probably have a look into the devs discord and not here. https://discord.gg/t-d-w-s-village-904287711962222632

gerbal commented 1 month ago

Sorry this wasn't able to help you. I was using GE-Proton 9, so that may be part of it. Also I'm using non-appimage installations of everything.