Jaded-Encoding-Thaumaturgy / vs-preview

Previewer for VapourSynth scripts.
Apache License 2.0
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`comp` slow.pics error #119

Closed LightArrowsEXE closed 2 months ago

LightArrowsEXE commented 8 months ago

A lot of comps I make using the comp tool give me this error on slow.pics:

Not available
This collection is incomplete and can't be viewed

After a short discussion with slowbro, this seems to be an issue of some images not being uploaded. I don't know if it's possible to add some kind of extra check to ensure the images have properly arrived, but it would be nice if this could be looked into, and we could figure out some potential solutions.

Of note is that this is not isolated to just vspreview, but I get it with 95%+ of my uploads. Any comps above 5 images will consistently give me this issue, with only a few actually making it through.

Setsugennoao commented 8 months ago

The comp toolbar should just do what the site does, which is retrying upload for x times if it fails. Slowbro said this himself, his backend can just randomly fail. @Kapppa

Kapppa commented 8 months ago

I will check soon, broke my vs-preview need to reinstall :)