On Qt/i3/xorg? it is common that a window can be dragged by just pressing on empty space and moving the mouse.
This is obviously disable above widgets that are interactable which works in vspreview for the default ones like buttons ... but not the timeline
no qt knowledge but fixes that seemed to work for me could be in main/timeline.py:
adding grabMouse call in mousePressEvent and releaseMouse in mouseReleaseEvent
not calling super in mouseMoveEvent
Both of these dont sound proper to me though. 2nd might be ok
On Qt/i3/xorg? it is common that a window can be dragged by just pressing on empty space and moving the mouse. This is obviously disable above widgets that are interactable which works in vspreview for the default ones like buttons ... but not the timeline
no qt knowledge but fixes that seemed to work for me could be in main/timeline.py:
Both of these dont sound proper to me though. 2nd might be ok