Jaded-Encoding-Thaumaturgy / vs-preview

Previewer for VapourSynth scripts.
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Automatically resize frameprop text and/or window menu #59

Closed LightArrowsEXE closed 1 year ago

LightArrowsEXE commented 1 year ago

If your clip has a buttload of props, the frameprop menu will display them like this.


You won't often get this many props, but automatic scaling/windows resizing to accommodate all of them (maybe with a max height of the user's screen height or something to avoid it getting waaaayy too long?) would be appreciated.

NSQY commented 1 year ago

You won't often get this many props

If you're dealing with PQ sources that contain mastering information, it won't be so uncommon as you've got an extra 8 or 9 props to deal with by default.


Setsugennoao commented 1 year ago

The fix would be rendering a scrollable item, but I'm concerned with speed in playback.