JadedCtrl / Chat-O-Matic

A multi-protocol chat program for Haiku
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Status/Role icons next to usernames #10

Open JadedCtrl opened 3 years ago

JadedCtrl commented 3 years ago

In the UserListView, an icon could be used to signify the user's role/status― the icon would represent the user's Role priority, and it's colour could represent the status. A tooltip would also be convenient to quickly display this information.

Since a role's priority (roughly, its rank in the hierarchy) is completely arbitrary and decided by the plugin, we can't just have X amount of icons and expect them to be used. So either the role icons could be permission-based, with common combinations getting a specific icon― I.E., PERM_KICK, PERM_BAN, and PERM_ROOM_SUBJECT are pretty commonly grouped together, so a specific icon could be used― or the priority could be used. That is, there are X amount of icons included in the program, so the icon used by a priority could be determined proporionately ((X * priority) / max_priority).

The latter might be easier, but definitely less pretty and interesting.