JadenGeller / Helium

A floating browser window for OS X
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Favourite Locations Bar #16

Open yigitozkavci opened 9 years ago

yigitozkavci commented 9 years ago

It would be cool to have a favourite locations bar that we can add url's into. That would make it easier to navigate through videos and stuff since main function of this app is not navigation through web but watching / tracking static content.

JadenGeller commented 9 years ago

How do you imagine this being used? Saving root sites such as "netflix.com" and "youtube.com"?

yigitozkavci commented 9 years ago

I imagine it like this use-case scenerio:

I open the app, I click a transparent(about 50%) arrow-right icon and there is a small panel extending from the right side of the app frame. And that panel lists my favourite locations, either root or full urls since I will be the one adding those url's. And +, - icons which will help me edit those locations, that's all :)

JadenGeller commented 9 years ago

It'll probably be in the menubar (a submenu under location) rather than a drawer panel (those haven't been used in OS X for years), but this is planned.

JadenGeller commented 9 years ago

Alternatively, it might be a recent location list that we implement. For example, if you visited two youtube videos, a hulu video, and a netflix video most recently, it would give the root URLs (not the video URLs) for these sites in some recent menu. I think this may be preferable as it doesn't require manual management. Thoughts?

Caligone commented 9 years ago

I love the "recently visited" feature but what do you think to inject this list directly into the HTML homepage? It could be quicker than a menu

JadenGeller commented 9 years ago

Might be an interesting idea, I'll consider it. Thanks :)

emraher commented 8 years ago

+1 for this. Bookmarks menu will be very nice. I use Helium to watch TV. See this page. They provide links for embedding and it works perfect with Helium.

heliotrip commented 8 years ago

File > Open Recent... (with a Clear Menu option, typical of Apple apps like Pages) would be a very helpful first step.

I primarily use Helium full-screen running Google Hangouts to work while having face-to-face conversations with colleagues, something I've wanted since first seeing Doug Englebart demonstrate it in his 1968 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mother_of_All_Demos. Getting back to the same URLs I always visit without having to launch a separate app to fetch the URL would be a very welcome improvement!

asmoura commented 7 years ago

I would love to watch the Olympics using Helium but as there are many different live channels (more than 16), it worked better to use fluid app to create apps for each channel URL. This way I can open the "app" of each channel using spotlight and even have more than one channel open at the same time.

rio olympics 2016

Wookbert commented 7 years ago

+1 for any kind of basic bookmarking.