Jae7777 / Dungeon-Delve-Hooded-Blu

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Ideas #4

Open Jae7777 opened 2 months ago

Jae7777 commented 2 months ago

-Dungeon monetization system (like danmachi)

Monster kills leave body behind. Player can choose to carry it or sell it to other players working as transporters. Weight based inventory system (like Albion, affects movement).

Classes: Dual wielder: New skills & combos based on weapon type Passive: attack speed growth -Air slash: Slash and create air slash projectile -Gore cross: dashes and leaves a trailing cross projectile attack

Rider: New skills when mounting Passive: Summons mount instantaneously. Increased movement speed & weight capacity. Stomp (mounted): stomp AOE Charge (mounted): charges forwards.

Paladin: Support class -Throne of Command: summons knights image

(Inspirations from 神印王座)

Jae7777 commented 2 months ago

Cool boss concept image image

Jae7777 commented 2 months ago

Level 5 boss image