Jaehyuk-Lee / DFAssist

FFXIV Duty Finder & F.A.T.E. Assist
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Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos #5

Closed ihaloemail closed 5 years ago

ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos

I'm running the program as administrator and have applied all the FATES

May be related to this error, but unsure: [09:39:57] P: Finding FFXIV Process... [09:39:57] P: FFXIV Process Selected: ffxiv_dx11:3388 [09:39:57] N: Starting Network Reading... [09:39:57] <W: Error requesting Web service: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.> [09:39:57] U: Could not find Update Information. [09:39:57] N: Detected Game Server Connection: -> [09:39:57] N: Started Reading Network Packet

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago

Try adding Windows firewall In-bound rule https://www.google.co.kr/search?ie=UTF-8&client=tablet-android-google&source=android-browser&q=add+inbound+rule+windows+firewall

From: ihaloemail notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 11:03:34 PM To: Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist Cc: Subscribed Subject: [Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist] Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos (#5)

Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos

I'm running the program as administrator and have applied all the FATES

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ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

May have worked: [09:39:57] N: Started Reading Network Packet [10:09:57] U: Current Version: v20180923.2 [10:09:57] U: Up-to-date Version: v20180923.2 [10:09:57] U: Using latest Version. [10:09:57] D: D/F Data updated to Version 20180924.1.

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago

You mean, solved?

From: ihaloemail notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 11:10:42 PM To: Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist Cc: Jaehyuk-Lee; Comment Subject: Re: [Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist] Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos (#5)

there's already 2 rules in there for Inbound, should i create a new one?

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ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

will let you know. i got that updated log, but i havent experienced a FATE yet in Pagos to test

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago


From: ihaloemail notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 11:13:41 PM To: Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist Cc: Jaehyuk-Lee; Comment Subject: Re: [Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist] Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos (#5)

will let you know. i got that updated log, but i havent experienced a FATE yet in Pagos to test

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ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

still not working. "Melting Point" FATE popped in Pagos. I did not receive a flash for either the overlay nor the taskbar icon

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago

i believe there's no need to create a new rule, but could you try removing them and recreating one. And sometimes re-executing game client solves this problem. If these don't solve the problem, i can't get how to solve it. i'll google some around this problem tommorrow(it's 11:26 pm here)

From: ihaloemail notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 11:16:56 PM To: Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist Cc: Jaehyuk-Lee; Comment Subject: Re: [Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist] Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos (#5)

nope "Melting Point" popped and no flash for either the overlay nor the taskbar icon

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ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

thanks! ill try those recommendations and let you know if anything gets resolved. have a great night!

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago

have a good day :)

From: ihaloemail notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 11:27:54 PM To: Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist Cc: Jaehyuk-Lee; Comment Subject: Re: [Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist] Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos (#5)

thanks! ill try those recommendations and let you know if anything gets resolved. have a great night!

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ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

Sadly DF Assist now completely stopped working. I deleted the inbound rules, created a fresh inbound rule, restarted my client (and my computer) and clicking the .exe would not run (nothing showed up). I also tried unzipping a fresh copy (and putting it in a new folder), which also didn't work. Now DF Assist no longer opens at all. There is no process for DF Assist in task manager (task bar is empty and no starting menu pops up).

Unsure what happened @@

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago

I .... don't have any idea why it's happening. There's never been a problem like not executing. Windows Firewall does not effect on executing an application. The most likely problem is on your other 3rd party application, especially antivirus programs. If any adjustment does not solve this problem, could you send me your computer Windows version? I'll check some OS-related problems.

보낸 사람: ihaloemail notifications@github.com 보낸 날짜: 2018년 10월 2일 화요일 오후 11:48 받는 사람: Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist 참조: Jaehyuk-Lee; Comment 제목: Re: [Jaehyuk-Lee/DFAssist] Unable to see FATE Flashes in Pagos (#5)

sadly, i deleted the inbound rules, created a fresh inbound rule, and restarted my client (and my computer). Now DF Assist no longer opens at all. There is no process for DF Assist (task bar is empty and no starting menu pops up). Unsure what happened @@

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ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

Windows 10 Home 64bit

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry. I couldn't find any solution. The only one I can think of is that, you probably upgraded your Windows 10 to RS5. That can make problem but I can't solve it now.

Jaehyuk-Lee commented 5 years ago

The problem will be fixed if you use latest release. v20181009.1

ihaloemail commented 5 years ago

ty! i can load it up now. I'll start testing it out and let you know if i run into any other issues