Closed sivasriram2112 closed 2 years ago
@Jaeyoung-Lim I am facing a similar problem. The iris quadcopter model basically shoots up and the goes unstable before it crashes into the ground in Gazebo. I am just using the `roslaunch geometric_controller sitl_trajectory_track_circle.launch with no modifications.
Any hints on what would be the issue? I didn't face this issue using old versions of the geometric_controller, can't remember which version(s) exactly.
After some tuning, for the iris
Gazebo model, I was able to track the circular trajectory
<node pkg="geometric_controller" type="geometric_controller_node" name="geometric_controller" output="screen">
<param name="mav_name" type="string" value="$(arg mav_name)" />
<remap from="command/bodyrate_command" to="/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude"/>
<param name="ctrl_mode" value="$(arg command_input)" />
<param name="enable_sim" value="$(arg gazebo_simulation)" />
<param name="enable_gazebo_state" value="true"/>
<param name="max_acc" value="20.0" />
<param name="attctrl_constant" value="0.3"/>
<param name="normalizedthrust_constant" value="0.06"/>
<param name="normalizedthrust_offset" value="0.1"/>
<param name="Kp_x" value="10.0"/>
<param name="Kp_y" value="10.0"/>
<param name="Kp_z" value="20.0"/>
<param name="Kv_x" value="5.0"/>
<param name="Kv_y" value="5.0"/>
<param name="Kv_z" value="10.0"/>
@mzahana Awesome! Would you be able to make a PR with the additional tuning?
Thank you @Jaeyoung-Lim and @mzahana for your replies, I was able to try the previous branch devel-parameter-estimator without any issues. I'll try the tuning parameters from @mzahana.
@mzahana Thank you very much for providing these parameters! I am curious about how to tune parameters such as attctrl_constant, normalizedthrust_constant. How are they calculated, and is there a more efficient way to tune the Kp Kv parameters?
I believe @Jaeyoung-Lim can answer that.
Hi, I am getting the following error when I fly execute . The quad doesn't startup and wobbles in and around the starting point