Jaffa / amazon-music

Provide programmatic access to Amazon Music/Prime Music's streaming service
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to find appConfig #25

Closed loretoparisi closed 4 years ago

loretoparisi commented 4 years ago

For some reasons, there is this error raised by

if app_config is None:
                raise Exception(
                    "Unable to find appConfig in {}".format(r.content))
TTSS000 commented 4 years ago

Hello. I'm using Amazon Japan but I hope this applies to all over the world of Amazon. It seems Amazon changed the format of response body. So, in amazonmusic.py, I changed some codes.

Then, I encounter the issue of the second authentication. But it seems I was able to solve it by exporting cookies from my Chrome browser.

I hope this helps.

loretoparisi commented 4 years ago

@TTSS000 it worked thanks 🥇