Jaffa / amazon-music

Provide programmatic access to Amazon Music/Prime Music's streaming service
Apache License 2.0
336 stars 67 forks source link

Make package structure better + add setup.py for installing it #6

Open danieldaeschle opened 6 years ago

danieldaeschle commented 6 years ago

My recommendet module structure is:

- project
    - setup.py
    - README.md
    - amazonmusic (or amazon_music)
        - __init__.py
        - other files...
    - ...
Jaffa commented 6 years ago

Sounds reasonable. Presumably, at the moment, there'd only be __init__.py; but we can pull out some of the larger classes into their own files?

danieldaeschle commented 6 years ago

Yes, exactly what i mean. I can create a PR after #5 is merged.