Jagannath8 / shopping

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Design seprate page for Cart Items #20

Open Ayonijakaushik19 opened 2 years ago

vchsi commented 2 years ago

Hi @Jagannath8, Because I did not get assigned to the other issue, I decided that I wanted to give a shot at this issue so can I get assigned to it?

Edit; Also, is the cart retrieved from the database?

Jagannath8 commented 2 years ago

Sure @vchsi Don't go for database, products are already there in js file

vchsi commented 2 years ago

Does each account have different cart items or do they all have the same cart items?

If they are different, I think a database will be needed to store all the cart items.

Jagannath8 commented 2 years ago

For now keep same cart items

Jagannath8 commented 2 years ago

Hey @vchsi What is the status?

vchsi commented 2 years ago

@Jagannath8 I am currently Implementing the JavaScript functionality. I finished designing the page.

Jagannath8 commented 2 years ago

Okay @vchsi Do it soon. I guess 7Aug is the last day for merging PRs

vchsi commented 2 years ago

@Jagannath8 Here is what I have for the cart page so far. Should it have more style or is this good? curcartpg

vchsi commented 2 years ago

With placeholder product and price

Jagannath8 commented 2 years ago

@vchsi Looks good, just add total cart items Ex - when products from other category are purchased cart items count should also increase

vchsi commented 2 years ago

@Jagannath8 In which file is the current cart items stored?

Jagannath8 commented 2 years ago

@vchsi In product.html

vchsi commented 2 years ago

@Jagannath8 No, I mean if the products in cart don't save on reload or page change, how would they be transferred over to the cart page . I think they should be stored in a cookie as each person can have their own cart and the cart items will save even after reload.

vchsi commented 2 years ago

Submitted PR