Jaguar-dart / jaguar

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Large static file issues #126

Closed chstrong closed 5 years ago

chstrong commented 5 years ago

The static files part of Jaguar seems to have an issue with larger files or maybe unsupported content types. When I try to load a picture, it works, but with a video it will take forever and then output the binary representation of the video as text.

For testing the behaviour it should suffice to:

See also comment in this video (user that has PDF with same issue):

library upload_files.server;

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:jaguar/jaguar.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:jaguar_cors/jaguar_cors.dart';
import 'package:image/image.dart';

main(List<String> args) async {
  final server = Jaguar(port: 8005);

  final corsOptions = const CorsOptions(
    allowAllOrigins: true,
    allowAllHeaders: true,
    allowAllMethods: true);

  // API'/api')
    // Upload route'/upload', (ctx) async {
      final Map<String, FormField> formData = await ctx.bodyAsFormData();
      BinaryFileFormField media = formData['media'];
      if(media.contentType.toString().startsWith("image")) {
        if(media is BinaryFileListFormField) {
          //BinaryFileListFormField media = formData['media'];
          media.values.forEach((f) async {
            await f.writeTo(p.join('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/', f.filename));
            Image image = decodeImage(new File('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/' + f.filename).readAsBytesSync());
            Image thumbnail = copyResize(image, 300);
            new File('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/thumb_' + f.filename).writeAsBytesSync(encodePng(thumbnail));
        } else {
          await media.writeTo(p.join('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/', media.filename));
          Image image = decodeImage(new File('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/' + media.filename).readAsBytesSync());
          Image thumbnail = copyResize(image, 300);
          new File('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/thumb_' + media.filename).writeAsBytesSync(encodePng(thumbnail));
      } else if(media.contentType.toString().startsWith("video")) {
        if(media is BinaryFileListFormField) {
          //BinaryFileListFormField media = formData['media'];
          media.values.forEach((f) async {
            await f.writeTo(p.join('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/', f.filename));
        } else {
          await media.writeTo(p.join('/Users/chstrong/Development/Git/Places/places_upl/bin/data/', media.filename));
      } else {
        return HttpStatus.badRequest;
      return HttpStatus.ok;
    }, before: [new Cors(corsOptions)])
    ..options('/upload', (ctx) async {
      return HttpStatus.ok;
    }, before: [new Cors(corsOptions)]);

  // Serve the uploaded media
  server.staticFiles('/media/*', Directory('bin/data'));


  await server.serve(logRequests: true);
tejainece commented 5 years ago

@chstrong How are you sending the form? The browser or the client should send it as binary field in multipart body.

chstrong commented 5 years ago

@tejainece The form sending and upload through multipart is working.

If I want to view the video however through localhost:8005/media/video.mp4 it isn't loading, or it starts to display the binary representation of the video, instead of the content. Pictures do work though.

I mean this line, which makes Jaguar serve the static files in the directory. Images work, videos don't, and PDF's seem to have the same issue. server.staticFiles('/media/*', Directory('bin/data'));

tejainece commented 5 years ago

Ok. Got it!

tejainece commented 5 years ago

Can you do me a favor? Let me know what is the mimetype you see for the response at the client?

tejainece commented 5 years ago

I will add video mimetypes to here:

tejainece commented 5 years ago

This should fix it:

chstrong commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot, this works perfectly now. If I have some other exotic mime types, how would I add them?

Something like server.staticFiles().mimeTypes.add() would be cool, to specify a list of custom mime types for static files. Is there something similar to this built-in already?

tejainece commented 5 years ago

One could use responseProcessor.