I can see the spark-driver POD running and complete correctly. But seems the Livy Server can't get the state of application, log said:
22/12/27 03:38:29 ERROR SparkKubernetesApp: Couldn't refresh Kubernetes state
io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: GET at: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/livy/ingresses?labelSelector=spark-app-tag%3Dlivy-batch-0-dcfPwsoJ. Message: 404 page not found
I tried other spark applications, all with same result, the spark app can run and complete, but Livy can't query its state.
I'm trying to run a spark app through Livy API
I can see the spark-driver POD running and complete correctly. But seems the Livy Server can't get the state of application, log said:
I tried other spark applications, all with same result, the spark app can run and complete, but Livy can't query its state.
Do I miss some configurations?