JahwnMallard / Lab3-Font_Controller

ECE383 at the United States Air Force Academy, controls a font output to a vga monitor
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Grades #1

Open JahwnMallard opened 10 years ago

JahwnMallard commented 10 years ago

Prelab - Check +

JahwnMallard commented 10 years ago

B functionality achieved

toddbranch commented 10 years ago

Prelab - 10

Required - 40 B - 10 A - 0

Use of Git - Check Plus - 5 - Very thorough. Praise helix. Seems like you're really close on A Functionality - bummer you couldn't get it going. Code Style - Check - 4 - Nice additional testbench (char_gen_test) - duplicate (chargen_test)?. Like the addition of a speed control module for NES. Issues: headers, indentation, magic numbers. README - Check - 17 - I can tell you worked through this quickly - the "following modules were to implement the game" is off in the description of most of them. Block diagram link is broken - but I see it in your repo.

Total - 86