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CRAFT model Fine Tunning via custom data no improvements and {'precision': 0, 'recall': 0.0, 'hmean': 0} on validation data #1250

Open sankalpsahu27 opened 4 months ago

sankalpsahu27 commented 4 months ago

I'm using my custom data to finetune it, while the training loss seems to be around 0.15 or nearby but the validation data has the {'precision': 0, 'recall': 0.0, 'hmean': 0} I thought that my data has some wrong annotations so tried the ICDAR dataset still has the same results {'precision': 0, 'recall': 0.0, 'hmean': 0}. can you help me what to do used this command :python3 train.py --yaml=custom_data_train
the yaml file content : wandb_opt: False

results_dir: "./exp/" vis_test_dir: "./vis_result/"

data_root_dir: "E:/train lic plate/CRAFT_DATA" score_gt_dir: None # "/data/ICDAR2015_official_supervision" mode: "weak_supervision"

train: backbone : vgg use_synthtext: False # If you want to combine SynthText in train time as CRAFT did, you can turn on this option synth_data_dir: "/data/SynthText/" synth_ratio: 5 real_dataset: custom ckpt_path: "./pretrained_model/CRAFT_clr_amp_29500.pth" eval_interval: 1000 batch_size: 5 st_iter: 0 end_iter: 25000 lr: 0.0001 lr_decay: 7500 gamma: 0.2 weight_decay: 0.00001 num_workers: 0 # On single gpu, train.py execution only works when num worker = 0 / On multi-gpu, you can set num_worker > 0 to speed up amp: True loss: 2 neg_rto: 0.3 n_min_neg: 5000 data: vis_opt: False pseudo_vis_opt: False output_size: 768 do_not_care_label: ['###', ''] mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] variance: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] enlarge_region : [0.5, 0.5] # x axis, y axis enlarge_affinity: [0.5, 0.5] gauss_init_size: 200 gauss_sigma: 40 watershed: version: "skimage" sure_fg_th: 0.75 sure_bg_th: 0.05 syn_sample: -1 custom_sample: -1 syn_aug: random_scale: range: [1.0, 1.5, 2.0] option: False random_rotate: max_angle: 20 option: False random_crop: version: "random_resize_crop_synth" option: True random_horizontal_flip: option: False random_colorjitter: brightness: 0.2 contrast: 0.2 saturation: 0.2 hue: 0.2 option: True custom_aug: random_scale: range: [ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ] option: False random_rotate: max_angle: 20 option: True random_crop: version: "random_resize_crop" scale: [0.03, 0.4] ratio: [0.75, 1.33] rnd_threshold: 1.0 option: True random_horizontal_flip: option: True random_colorjitter: brightness: 0.2 contrast: 0.2 saturation: 0.2 hue: 0.2 option: True

test: trained_model : null custom_data: test_set_size: 500 test_data_dir: "E:/train lic plate/CRAFT_DATA" text_threshold: 0.75 low_text: 0.5 link_threshold: 0.2 canvas_size: 2240 mag_ratio: 1.75 poly: False cuda: True vis_opt: False please help me where and what I'm doing wrong.

donjuanpond commented 1 month ago

Having the same issue here

RuePat commented 1 month ago

i was having the same issue. There were problems in my dataset. I think double check the label, boxes and the format of the train data