Jaimi5 / LoRaChat

A LoRa Chat long-distance communication using LoRa technology and ESP32 LoRa boards. You can connect to your devices via phone using a Bluetooth Serial Terminal. We are using LoRaMesher to build a Mesh network.
MIT License
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Bluetooth module not properly initializing #11

Closed JDMarc closed 1 month ago

JDMarc commented 5 months ago

I was attempting to flash my lora32 board, which went successfully, but when I went to my phone to connect to the board over a Bluetooth serial terminal the board was nowhere to be found (I did enable bluetooth in the config file) I installed meshtastic to the board, assuming I had a faulty bluetooth module, but it appears the module is functional. Some data to note: Board: LilyGo LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 Bluetooth initialization output from board to serial: [ 5408][V][bluetoothService.cpp:66] initBluetooth(): [BluetoothService] Bluetooth callback registered [ 5955][I][BluetoothSerial.cpp:685] _init_bt(): device name set [ 5956][V][bluetoothService.cpp:75] initBluetooth(): [BluetoothService] DeviceID: 6f84 [ 5955][I][BluetoothSerial.cpp:571] esp_bt_gap_cb(): ESP_BT_GAP_CONFIG_EIR_DATA_EVT: stat:0 num:4 All else seems to initialize fine aswell, but as I don't have access to an mqtt server I currently have no way of communicating with the board.

Jaimi5 commented 5 months ago

Hi @JDMarc I am working again to add the Chat into the code and trying to configure the arduino to enable bluetooth and wifi at the same time. Hope this week I can update you with new information!

Jaimi5 commented 1 month ago

Now it should work correctly!