JakeBlair420 / totally-not-spyware

webkit; but pwned
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"failed to grab teh bootstrip files! ret: -1" and "failed to remount the root fs: 1" #8

Closed systwi-again closed 1 year ago

systwi-again commented 1 year ago

Greetings. Thank you all for your hard work on TotallyNotSpyware. I'm having some trouble getting the exploit working on my iPhone, however.

I have an iPhone 7 running iOS 10.1 (the version it shipped with for me) and I keep encountering this error when trying to "slide for spyware":

"Running exploit" appears on the screen, and then:

Spyware announcement

Kernel has been pwned >:D

Waiting for about a second will make the prompt disappear automatically and the following message appears shortly after:

spyware fail

failed to grab teh bootstrip files! ret: -1
pls make sure u have internets

Pressing any of the message options reloads the webpage. Pressing the "noot noot" button on the first prompt in time leads to the same result.

Trying it a second time, sans rebooting the phone manually, the success message appears like before but returns this error instead:

spyware fail

failed to remount the root fs: 1

I thought maybe my VPN connection was causing some sort of conflict. I disabled it but still had no luck.

Rebooting the phone manually repeats those aforementioned errors. Trying further attempts, sans rebooting, results in the same failed to remount the root fs: 1.

I'm using the exploit hosted on https://totally-not.spyware.lol/ as of 2023-01-09 22:49:23 UTC.

User agent is Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.2.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14B72c Safari/602.1, if that helps any.

Thank you.

Siguza commented 1 year ago

That is my bad. I recently changed the URL to totally.not.spyware.lol (replacing the dash with a dot) and set up a redirect, but I didn't realise that the bootstrap downloading code wouldn't follow that redirect.

I adjusted the server server config now, bootstrap download should work again.

systwi-again commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the swift reply and patch. For the time being I went with sideloading Meridian manually, so in about a week when that expires I'll try this method again and report back.

systwi-again commented 1 year ago

I was too anxious to test this out. :-)

I rebooted my iP7 so it was rejailed, removed Meridian and visited https://totally-not.spyware.lol/. The Kernel has been pwned >:D message did appear for a bit longer this time, but after about 5 seconds it resprung on its own without any user input. I didn't see any Meridian/doubleh3lix selection screen, but it appeared to jailbreak successfully anyway. Maybe that was because I had already successfully installed Meridian before?

I'd close this, as the exploit itself appears to be working fine now, but I'm not sure if the lack of a selection screen is a (related?) bug.

Tried it once again, this time pressing Pingu's confirmation message in time. It got stuck respringing, showing the typical throbber. Maybe related in some way? Trying it all over again worked the second time.

Siguza commented 1 year ago

Once you're bootstrapped with either doubleH3lix or Meridian, you will no longer be prompted for selection between the two. So if "removing Meridian" was merely removing the app and not undoing changes to the rootFS, then that's all working as expected.