JakeLane / Toffeed

A basic Android wrapper app for the Facebook website.
MIT License
47 stars 19 forks source link

Proper notifications (and messaging) #2

Open JakeLane opened 8 years ago

JakeLane commented 8 years ago

Facebook recently added support for desktop notifications. This possibly could be utilised to have a real notification service.

creativetrendsapps commented 8 years ago

That would be amazing.

creativetrendsapps commented 8 years ago

What kind of notifications are you trying to implement? My app, Folio supports notifications. Maybe you can use the code I have? With it users can receive regular and message notifications.

JakeLane commented 8 years ago

I was hoping to use the Facebook desktop notifications because it would be true push notifications akin to the official app. I've done a bit of research and have found that they do use GCM. I would like to work out how to hook into that but it may be impossible due to their server encapsulation.

creativetrendsapps commented 8 years ago

OK. Is there an api for this? Opera mini does this well and I've been looking into push notifications as well. Either way, if you'd like.. I can help with the current implementation I have worked out. I'm sure you'll improve it :-).

JakeLane commented 8 years ago

I'm unfortunately quite busy with an upcoming exam right now but I think a RSS implementation would be the easiest solution at the moment.

When I get some time, I'll definitely have to checkout your implementation. From what I've heard about Folio, it must be very good!

Thanks so much for the help!

creativetrendsapps commented 8 years ago

Does this notify on messages as well? This code looks interesting.

JakeLane commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately no, just the notification RSS feed. If I were to try to implement messaging, I think I'd try to parse a page instead of RSS. Possibly even one of Facebook's 'lite' sites.

creativetrendsapps commented 8 years ago

@JakeLane , take a look at the notifications I'm using. I'm sure you can adjust it to include message notifications like I have.


JakeLane commented 8 years ago

I reckon I'll give that a go, thanks!

trippyhat commented 7 years ago

What's the status of integrating messaging and notifications?

Sjkomy commented 6 years ago

So is it working or no, because i get no notifications at all from toffeed (and yes the background notifications are enabled with interval 5 minutes) and it is very sad as it was a good alternative to those fat facebook apps

JakeLane commented 6 years ago

Facebook has removed the RSS notification feature so Toffeed notifications will not work. Unfortunately, I don't really have the time or motivation to fix this as I am working full time at an internship. I may in the future completely rewrite the app in Kotlin as I have improved a fair bit as a developer since developing this app. So apologies for the non-working state of the app, I suggest you seek other alternative Facebook wrapper apps for notification support.

Sjkomy commented 6 years ago


JuniorJPDJ commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry, but this app seems being the best. I tried ALL from F-Droid, and this was best one suiting my needs :/ I'm waiting for rewrite! ;D

creativetrendsapps commented 6 years ago

@JakeLane are you going to rewrite the app in Kotlin? I can get notifications working for you before then if you'd like.

JakeLane commented 6 years ago

@creativetrendsapps I'll probably give it a try during my Winter break but that'll really depend on whether I'm working then. I really appreciate the offer but I don't want you to spend time on something I mightn't get time to work on.

My plan is to have MIT licence on a modular core library so people can reuse code in their apps and I'll write the frontend with the GNU licence to stop copies. I love open-source but it's disheartening to see copies with ads on the play store. Let me know if there are any features you'd like me to investigate, R&D is fun and will keep me motivated haha.