JakeWharton / PosterBox

Rotating display of Movie and TV posters
Apache License 2.0
73 stars 5 forks source link

emby/jellyfin support #20

Open binarygeek119 opened 2 years ago

binarygeek119 commented 2 years ago

i like to have emby to use as a media server for this app emby/jellyfin are built for the same source when emby went closed source jellyfin was born. if you add support for one the other be easy to adept to. jellyfin is free 100% emby is like plex

emby api https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby/wiki

jellyfin api https://jellyfin.org/docs/plugin-api/index.html https://api.jellyfin.org/ http://your-jellyfin-server:8096/api-docs/swagger/index.html

JakeWharton commented 2 years ago

I do not run these services so I cannot really add support. If someone else wants to I will review and merge.

It needs a new table in the config, a new service to talk to their backend, and a new endpoint to proxy loading images. Should be pretty straightforward to copy what is done for Plex.

Currently there's some assumptions about Plex being the only source of posters, but that can be improved, too.