JakeWharton / RxReplayingShare

An RxJava transformer which combines replay(1), publish(), and refCount() operators.
Apache License 2.0
628 stars 28 forks source link

Put a chart in the README comparing other operator combinations #33

Closed JakeWharton closed 4 years ago

JakeWharton commented 5 years ago

At least covering share() (aka publish().refCount()), replay(1).refCount(), and replay(1).autoConnect() and the differences to this operator.

JakeWharton commented 4 years ago

I've already forgotten the differences. I can see why others don't understand. Here's a first pass:

replayingShare() replay(1).refCount() publish().refCount()
Disconnects from upstream when there are no subscribers
Replays the latest value to new subscribers when other subscribers are active
Replays the latest value to new subscribers when no other subscribers are active
JakeWharton commented 4 years ago

I'm just going to put this in and we can iterate from there...

oldergod commented 4 years ago

That's super helpful yes

JakeWharton commented 4 years ago
