JakeWharton / SdkSearch

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Why is org.gradle.parallel=true not specified? #152

Closed ursusursus closed 5 years ago

ursusursus commented 5 years ago

I had it that it is off by default, i.e. without org.gradle.parallel=true you wont get multithreaded builds in multimodule setup

JakeWharton commented 5 years ago

I tend to keep experimental features out of the checked-in gradle.properties. The CI script does specify this option and limits the workers to 2. My bash alias gw does also add --parallel to every command which further helps avoiding the need to check this in.

The primary reason to leave this out of all gradle.properties files is that for libraries you do not want to deploy artifacts in parallel.

I'm holding out for Gradle to one day have sane parallelism by default through workers.