JakeWharton / SdkSearch

An Android app and Chrome extension for searching the Android SDK documentation.
Apache License 2.0
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Run this project in Android Studio #193

Closed sempsmahad closed 2 years ago

sempsmahad commented 2 years ago


JakeWharton commented 2 years ago

I always use IntelliJ IDEA as Android Studio always lags behind on multiplatform support. But the project hasn't been touched in years, so it's unlikely to import without build changes to update to the latest of things. Google likes to break the data source and I got tired of dealing with it.

The folders are not random. The project is modularized. Each one has a specific purpose.

DoozyDoz commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the clarification @JakeWharton 👍, this was a nice idea but looks like google likes playing hide and seek, too bad