The only thing i changed was the imports from the java.time package to org.threeten.bp package and this code snippet failed to run. I've removed all of the extra stuff to get the smallest bit of code that fails.
org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeParseException: Text 'Wed, 09 May 2018 0:00:00 EDT' could not be parsed, unparsed text found at index 0
at org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseToBuilder(
at org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeFormatter.parse(
at org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime.parse(
at test.TestKt.main(Test.kt:89)
You'll want to file this on This library is only a repackaging of the timezone database and a dependency on that library.
The only thing i changed was the imports from the java.time package to org.threeten.bp package and this code snippet failed to run. I've removed all of the extra stuff to get the smallest bit of code that fails.