JakeWharton / ThreeTenABP

An adaptation of the JSR-310 backport for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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incorrect result of dayOfWeek.getDisplayName(TextStyle.NARROW, Locale.getDefault()) #90

Closed VinsonGuo closed 6 years ago

VinsonGuo commented 6 years ago

Thanks your library help to develop, but I find an exception when I used "LocalDate.now().dayOfWeek.getDisplayName(TextStyle.NARROW or STANDALONG, Locale.getDefault())". My Location and device region is China, System language is Chinese. For example, today is Wednesday, the correct result should be “三” (third) instead of "星" and other day's result is "星" which should be "一、二、三...". When I set locale to US, the result is "W", it's right.

JakeWharton commented 6 years ago

Dupe of https://github.com/ThreeTen/threetenbp/issues/97