Closed prefect4742 closed 5 years ago
I'm not sure what this library would need to do. Can you clarify what isn't working after the locale change?
Different locales have different formatting of dates and times. If I start my app with US English it might be 02/16/2019 3:45pm but with Swedish it will be 2019-02-16 15:45.
But if I start the app, then switch to settings and change the language, and then resume the app, the library still returns strings of the first locale/language. Unless I missed something when I tested it.
A locale change will cause all activities in your app to restart where they should pick up the new format.
What API are you calling to perform formatting?
The view that's being shown is using databinding and calls the static method above to convert a ZoneDateTime to a string.
object Converter {
private lateinit var formatter: DateTimeFormatter
fun init() {
formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM)
object Dates {
fun toString(dateTime: ZonedDateTime): String = dateTime.format(formatter)
I can see that this gets called when I change the device language and then switch back to my app. But even if the formatter is set when the language has changed, it returns a string in the same format as when my app started. Which is why I thought that the library only reads the locale when AndroidThreeTen.init(ApplicationContext) is called.
Well this is embarassing... it does indeed work, I just wasn't paying close enough attention.
The medium date format for US is "Feb 16, 2019 10:01:23" The medium date format for Sweden is "16 Feb 2019 10:01:23"
On top of that I also had "use 24 hour format" turned on and not "automatic 24 hour format" so I never got the am/pm times for the US locale. Worth noting though is that the manual Android setting "use 24-hour format" doesn't seem to cause a configuration change, at least not on Oreo.
Glad it's working. Thanks for following up.
Is there a way to handle the case where my app is already running, but user changes the language/locale of the system? I tried calling init() in onConfigurationChanged() but nothing happens - since init() is set to only execute anything on first call.