JakeWharton / ViewPagerIndicator

Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.
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Slide tab indicator in TabPageIndicator #316

Closed pkpio closed 10 years ago

pkpio commented 10 years ago

Just like the CirclePageIndicator, where the dot indicating the current page slides along with the page (no snap enabled by default), is it possible to do that for the tab indicator? In the default implementation, it is discrete, the indicator changes discretely after the page change has been complete. Please take a look at https://github.com/astuetz/PagerSlidingTabStrip for more details.

This is implementation of the tab indicator on GooglePlay (indicator sliding with the page).

lightSky commented 10 years ago

Yeah,I alreay applied this lib into my project.And there is a tutorial on google official website already.You can take a look. http://developer.android.com/samples/SlidingTabsBasic/src/com.example.android.common/view/SlidingTabLayout.html

pkpio commented 10 years ago

Glad to know. It's funny, I was actually looking at that page a while ago and didn't pay good attention to it. Sorry about that. This is a great library. Good job. Keep it up :)