JakeWharton / u2020

A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries.
Apache License 2.0
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Debug drawer width needs increased #142

Closed JakeWharton closed 9 years ago

JakeWharton commented 9 years ago

When compared to internal on my Nexus 4, the drawer is not as wide as it should/could be. I want the full width (minus 56dp) on my N4.

caseykulm commented 9 years ago

Looks like that's because of the field private static final int MIN_DRAWER_MARGIN = 64;. That field could be changed to 0, and the user could be expected to provide a width of match_parent, and the layout_marginLeft themselves in the xml which would be the ScrimInsetsFrameLayout block in debug_activity_frame.xml. Or more simply the MIN_DRAWER_MARGIN field could be changed to 56dp if it is a more sensible general minimum margin.

JakeWharton commented 9 years ago

Ah, fair. The Material guidelines say 56dp but if the support lib uses 64dp I'm not going to mess with it.