JakobGM / astrality

Astrality - A modular and dynamic configuration file manager
MIT License
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Publish to native package repositories #21

Open JakobGM opened 6 years ago

JakobGM commented 6 years ago

Before releasing v.1.0.0 I would like to publish the package to some of the most popular package repositories.

I think the easiest place to start is to publish to the AUR. It can easily be tested locally first, ensuring that it is correct. I have started some of this work, but I know too little at the moment. Here is my first draft for a PKGBUILD file:

# Maintainer: Jakob Gerhard Martinussen <jakobgm@gmail.com>
pkgdesc="A modular and dynamic configuration file manager"
optdepends=('libyaml: faster YAML config parsing')
md5sums=() #autofill using updpkgsums

build() {
    python setup.py build

package() {
    python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir/" --optimize=1 --skip-build
sshashank124 commented 6 years ago

I could work on this. I was actually about to open an issue about creating a package for AUR. I have some little experience with this and I've been reading up about it

JakobGM commented 6 years ago

I would really apreciate that, as I have my hands full on the other blockers at the moment :grin:

The AUR is probably a good starting point, but I think there exists some tools which enable you to publish to several Linux package repositories at once. This one for example. But I might get ahead of myself here.

JakobGM commented 6 years ago

We could alse add both of our PGP keys, so that both of us can publish new versions. I have already set up Travis-CI to automatically publish to PyPI when commits are tagged with new version numbers, but I don't think this is as easy for the Linux distributions.

JakobGM commented 6 years ago

I will close this issue if the AUR package "astrality-git" works for you too, @sshashank124.