JakobPCoder / ReshadeTFAA

This is a work in progress Reshade shader, which acts as an addon to other, non temporal, anti aliasing methods. Only works dx10+ maybe
49 stars 6 forks source link

You're rising legend. Shader is great but consume too much fps. #2

Open NeTw0rK21 opened 2 years ago

NeTw0rK21 commented 2 years ago

I've tested it in Halo: MCC. Without is I have 180fps, with TFAA - 70. Probably need some optimization

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

TAA implementation is fine, the problem is DRME. It's way too heavy for cards like 1050 Ti.
Meanwhile, I have an alternative at here https://github.com/mhtvsSFrpHdE/cheap-taa

Do hope we can see an optimized version can reduce GPU usage from extra 60% to 20%.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

Try this shader to replace DRME

I find that this shader consumes less performance than DRME.
On 1050 Ti, it reduces from 60% GPU to 31% GPU.

Edit 2023/03/27:
Disable performance mode, go to qUINT_motionvectors.fx, UI_ME_LAYER_MAX drop down menu, choose "Quarter Resolution"

Then drag Filter Smoothness slide bar all the way right to 6.000

Turn on performance mode again.

You may notice the side effect is something like hot air distortion around moving objects, but both horizontall and vertical radial blur is gone! Give it a try, with the "quarter (1/4)" resolution, you can get even higher performance... In this case, full and half resolution looks no good than quarter for unknown reason.

This config only cost 19.3% extra performance. Lower than 31%.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

URL backup qUINT_motionvectors.fx file content


    ReShade 5 effect file

    Author: Pascal Gilcher / Marty McFly

    ReShade Motion Estimation Shader for dense 2D UV-space motion vectors
    Based on ReShade Motion Estimation by Jakob Wapenhensch

    This work is licensed under the 
    Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License

    USAGE NOTES: Since it uses the same shared texture name as Jakob's
    Shader, you may use either of the two. They are designed to supply motion
    vectors for other shaders. 


    Preprocessor settings

#define UI_ME_LAYER_MIN                                 6
#define UI_ME_MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LEVEL                  2
#define UI_ME_SAMPLES_PER_ITERATION                     5

uniform int UI_ME_LAYER_MAX <
    ui_type = "combo";
    ui_items = "Full Resolution\0Half Resolution\0Quarter Resolution\0";
    ui_min = 0;
    ui_max = 2; 
> = 1;

    ui_type = "drag";
    ui_label = "Filter Smoothness";
    ui_min = 0.0;
    ui_max = 6.0;   
> = 4.0;

uniform bool SHOWME <
    ui_label = "Debug Output";  
> =false;

    UI Uniforms
uniform float4 tempF1 <
    ui_type = "drag";
    ui_min = -100.0;
    ui_max = 100.0;
> = float4(1,1,1,1);

uniform float4 tempF2 <
    ui_type = "drag";
    ui_min = -100.0;
    ui_max = 100.0;
> = float4(1,1,1,1);

uniform float4 tempF3 <
    ui_type = "drag";
    ui_min = -100.0;
    ui_max = 100.0;
> = float4(1,1,1,1);
    Textures, Samplers, Globals, Structs

//do NOT change anything here. "hurr durr I changed this and now it works"
//you ARE breaking things down the line, if the shader does not work without changes
//here, it's by design.

texture ColorInputTex : COLOR;
texture DepthInputTex : DEPTH;
sampler ColorInput  { Texture = ColorInputTex; };
sampler DepthInput  { Texture = DepthInputTex; };

#include "qUINT\Global.fxh"
#include "qUINT\Depth.fxh"

//integer divide, rounding up
#define CEIL_DIV(num, denom) (((num - 1) / denom) + 1)
#define PI 3.14159265
uniform uint FRAME_COUNT < source = "framecount"; >;

#define M_PI 3.1415926535

#ifndef PRE_BLOCK_SIZE_2_TO_7
 #define PRE_BLOCK_SIZE_2_TO_7  3   //[2 - 7]     

#define BLOCK_SIZE (PRE_BLOCK_SIZE_2_TO_7) //4

//NEVER change these!!!
#define BLOCK_SIZE_HALF (BLOCK_SIZE * 0.5 - 0.5)//(int(BLOCK_SIZE / 2)) //2
#define BLOCK_AREA      (BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE) //16

//smpG samplers are .r = Grayscale, g = depth
//smgM samplers are .r = motion x, .g = motion y, .b = feature level, .a = loss;

texture FeatureCurr          { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT;   Format = RG16F; MipLevels = 8; };
sampler sFeatureCurr         { Texture = FeatureCurr;  };
texture FeaturePrev          { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT;   Format = RG16F; MipLevels = 8; };
sampler sFeaturePrev         { Texture = FeaturePrev;   };

texture texMotionVectors          { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT;   Format = RG16F; };
sampler sMotionVectorTex         { Texture = texMotionVectors;  };

texture MotionTexCur7               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 7;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 7;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur7              { Texture = MotionTexCur7;};
texture MotionTexCur6               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 6;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 6;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur6              { Texture = MotionTexCur6;};
texture MotionTexCur5               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 5;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 5;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur5              { Texture = MotionTexCur5;};
texture MotionTexCur4               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 4;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 4;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur4              { Texture = MotionTexCur4;};
texture MotionTexCur3               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 3;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 3;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur3              { Texture = MotionTexCur3;};
texture MotionTexCur2               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 2;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 2;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur2              { Texture = MotionTexCur2;};
texture MotionTexCur1               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 1;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 1;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur1              { Texture = MotionTexCur1;};
texture MotionTexCur0               { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH >> 0;   Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT >> 0;   Format = RGBA16F;  };
sampler sMotionTexCur0              { Texture = MotionTexCur0;};

texture JitterTex       < source = "bluenoise.png"; > { Width = 32; Height = 32; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler sJitterTex      { Texture = JitterTex; AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; };

struct VSOUT
    float4 vpos : SV_Position;
    float2 uv   : TEXCOORD0;

struct CSIN 
    uint3 groupthreadid     : SV_GroupThreadID;         //XYZ idx of thread inside group
    uint3 groupid           : SV_GroupID;               //XYZ idx of group inside dispatch
    uint3 dispatchthreadid  : SV_DispatchThreadID;      //XYZ idx of thread inside dispatch
    uint threadid           : SV_GroupIndex;            //flattened idx of thread inside group


float2 pixel_idx_to_uv(uint2 pos, float2 texture_size)
    float2 inv_texture_size = rcp(texture_size);
    return pos * inv_texture_size + 0.5 * inv_texture_size;

float4 CalcMotionLayer(VSOUT i, int mip_gcurr, float2 searchStart, sampler sFeatureCurr, sampler sFeaturePrev)
    float2 texelsize = rcp(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE / exp2(mip_gcurr));
    float2 localBlock[BLOCK_AREA];
    float2 searchBlock[BLOCK_AREA];  

    float4 moments_local = 0;
    float4 moments_search = 0;
    float2 moment_covariate = 0;

    i.uv -= texelsize * BLOCK_SIZE_HALF; //since we only use to sample the blocks now, offset by half a block so we can do it easier inline

    for(uint k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE; k++)
        float2 tuv = i.uv + float2(k / BLOCK_SIZE, k % BLOCK_SIZE) * texelsize;
        float2 t_local = tex2Dlod(sFeatureCurr, tuv, mip_gcurr).xy;
        float2 t_search = tex2Dlod(sFeaturePrev, tuv + searchStart, mip_gcurr).xy;

        localBlock[k] = t_local; 
        searchBlock[k] = t_search;

        moments_local += float4(t_local, t_local * t_local);            
        moments_search += float4(t_search, t_search * t_search);
        moment_covariate += t_local * t_search;

    moments_local /= BLOCK_AREA;
    moments_search /= BLOCK_AREA;
    moment_covariate /= BLOCK_AREA;

    float2 cossim = moment_covariate * rsqrt(moments_local.zw * moments_search.zw);
    float best_sim = saturate(min(cossim.x, cossim.y));

    float local_features = abs(moments_local.x * moments_local.x - moments_local.z);
    float best_features = abs(moments_search.x * moments_search.x - moments_search.z);

    float2 bestMotion = 0;
    float2 searchCenter = searchStart;    

    float randseed = tex2Dfetch(sJitterTex, uint2(i.vpos.xy) % 32u).x;
    randseed = frac(randseed + (FRAME_COUNT % 16) * UI_ME_SAMPLES_PER_ITERATION * UI_ME_MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LEVEL * 0.6180339887498);
    float2 randdir; sincos(randseed * 6.283, randdir.x, randdir.y); //yo dawg, I heard you like golden ratios
    float2 scale = texelsize;

    for(int j = 0; j < UI_ME_MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LEVEL && best_sim < 0.999999; j++)
        for (int s = 1; s < UI_ME_SAMPLES_PER_ITERATION && best_sim < 0.999999; s++) 
            randdir = mul(randdir, float2x2(-0.7373688, 0.6754903, -0.6754903, -0.7373688));//rotate by larger golden angle         
            float2 pixelOffset = randdir * scale;
            float2 samplePos = i.uv + searchCenter + pixelOffset;            

            float4 moments_candidate = 0;           
            moment_covariate = 0;

            for(uint k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE; k++)
                float2 t = tex2Dlod(sFeaturePrev, samplePos + float2(k / BLOCK_SIZE, k % BLOCK_SIZE) * texelsize, mip_gcurr).xy;
                moments_candidate += float4(t, t * t);
                moment_covariate += t * localBlock[k];
            moments_candidate /= BLOCK_AREA;
            moment_covariate /= BLOCK_AREA;

            cossim = moment_covariate * rsqrt(moments_local.zw * moments_candidate.zw); 
            float candidate_similarity = saturate(min(cossim.x, cossim.y));

            if(candidate_similarity > best_sim)                 
                best_sim = candidate_similarity;
                bestMotion = pixelOffset;
                best_features = abs(moments_candidate.x * moments_candidate.x - moments_candidate.z);
        searchCenter += bestMotion;
        bestMotion = 0;
        scale *= 0.5;

    return float4(searchCenter, sqrt(best_features), best_sim * best_sim * best_sim * best_sim);  //delayed sqrt for variance -> stddev, cossim^4 for filter

float4 atrous_upscale(VSOUT i, int mip_gcurr, sampler sMotionLow, sampler sFeatureCurr)
    float2 texelsize = rcp(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE / exp2(mip_gcurr + 1));   
    float rand = frac(mip_gcurr * 0.2114 + (FRAME_COUNT % 16) * 0.6180339887498) * 3.1415927*0.5;
    float2x2 rotm = float2x2(cos(rand), -sin(rand), sin(rand), cos(rand)) * UI_ME_PYRAMID_UPSCALE_FILTER_RADIUS;
    const float3 gauss = float3(1, 0.85, 0.65);

    float center_z = tex2Dlod(sFeatureCurr, i.uv, mip_gcurr).y; 

    float4 gbuffer_sum = 0;
    float wsum = 1e-6;

    for(int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
    for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
        float2 offs = mul(float2(x, y), rotm) * texelsize;
        float2 sample_uv = i.uv + offs;

        float sample_z = tex2Dlod(sFeatureCurr, sample_uv, mip_gcurr + 1).y;
        float4 sample_gbuf = tex2Dlod(sMotionLow, sample_uv, 0);

        float wz = abs(sample_z - center_z) * 4;
        float ws = saturate(1 - sample_gbuf.w * 4);
        float wf = saturate(1 - sample_gbuf.b * 128.0);
        float wm = dot(sample_gbuf.xy, sample_gbuf.xy) * 4;

        float weight = exp2(-(wz + ws + wm + wf)) * gauss[abs(x)] * gauss[abs(y)];
        gbuffer_sum += sample_gbuf * weight;
        wsum += weight;     

    return gbuffer_sum / wsum;  

    Shader Entry Points

VSOUT VS_Main(in uint id : SV_VertexID)
    VSOUT o;
    VS_FullscreenTriangle(id, o.vpos, o.uv); 
    return o;

void PSWriteColorAndDepth(in VSOUT i, out float2 o : SV_Target0)
    float depth = Depth::get_linear_depth(i.uv);
    float luma = dot(tex2D(ColorInput, i.uv).rgb, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
    o = float2(luma, depth);

float4 motion_estimation(in VSOUT i, sampler sMotionLow, sampler sFeatureCurr, sampler sFeaturePrev, int mip_gcurr)
    float4 upscaledLowerLayer = 0;

    if(UI_ME_LAYER_MIN <= (mip_gcurr-1)) 
        return 0;

    if(mip_gcurr < UI_ME_LAYER_MIN)
        upscaledLowerLayer = atrous_upscale(i, mip_gcurr, sMotionLow, sFeatureCurr);

    if(mip_gcurr >= UI_ME_LAYER_MAX) 
        upscaledLowerLayer = CalcMotionLayer(i, mip_gcurr, upscaledLowerLayer.xy, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev);

    return upscaledLowerLayer;

void PSMotion6(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur7, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 6);}
void PSMotion5(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur6, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 5);}
void PSMotion4(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur5, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 4);}
void PSMotion3(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur4, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 3);}
void PSMotion2(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur3, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 2);}
void PSMotion1(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur2, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 1);}
void PSMotion0(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0){o = motion_estimation(i, sMotionTexCur1, sFeatureCurr, sFeaturePrev, 0);}

//Show motion vectors stuff
float3 HUEtoRGB(in float H)
    float R = abs(H * 6.f - 3.f) - 1.f;
    float G = 2 - abs(H * 6.f - 2.f);
    float B = 2 - abs(H * 6.f - 4.f);
    return saturate(float3(R,G,B));

float3 HSLtoRGB(in float3 HSL)
    float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSL.x);
    float C = (1.f - abs(2.f * HSL.z - 1.f)) * HSL.y;
    return (RGB - 0.5f) * C + HSL.z;

float4 motionToLgbtq(float2 motion)
    float angle = degrees(atan2(motion.y, motion.x));
    float dist = length(motion);
    float3 rgb = HSLtoRGB(float3((angle / 360.f) + 0.5, saturate(dist * 100.0), 0.5));
    return float4(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 0);

void PSOut(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0)
    if(!SHOWME) discard;
    o = motionToLgbtq(tex2D(sMotionTexCur0, i.uv).xy);

    //o = tex2D(sMotionTexCur0, i.uv).w*10-9;
void PSWriteVectors(in VSOUT i, out float2 o : SV_Target0)
    o = tex2D(sMotionTexCur0, i.uv).xy;


technique qUINT_MotionVectors

    pass //update curr data RGB + depth
        VertexShader = VS_Main;
        PixelShader  = PSWriteColorAndDepth; 
        RenderTarget = FeatureCurr; 

    //mipmaps are being created :)
    pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion6;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur6;}
    pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion5;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur5;}
    pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion4;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur4;}
    pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion3;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur3;}
    pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion2;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur2;}
    pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion1;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur1;}
    pass {VertexShader = VS_Main;PixelShader = PSMotion0;RenderTarget = MotionTexCur0;}

        VertexShader = VS_Main;
        PixelShader  = PSWriteColorAndDepth; 
        RenderTarget0 = FeaturePrev; 
        VertexShader = VS_Main;
        PixelShader  = PSWriteVectors; 
        RenderTarget = texMotionVectors;

        VertexShader = VS_Main;
        PixelShader  = PSOut; 
Spacellary commented 1 year ago

@mhtvsSFrpHdE personally for me McFly's has issues at the extreme edges of the screen in FFXIV which DRME doesn't have any.

But I think I found on with better performance too but that didn't have any bugs, in a plugin dev discord server, I'll need to check on my PC when I can, and I can share too so you can verify if it's performance is better too in your setup.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@Spacellary The performance difference in 1050 Ti is DRME+TFAA use 60% GPU, qUINT+TFAA use 31%.

I can hardly to get FFXIV DX11 1920x1080 60 FPS if I go DRME, but with qUINT, this is possible.

If you have decent DRME profile, I glad to give it a try. Although I upgraded to 1080 Ti recently so I may not able to reproduce a crap graphic card.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago


Uploaded my shaders in this gist here:

Alex_qUINT_motionvectors.fx TFAA.fx TFAA.fxh

I don't get any errors with those - not even yellow warnings - and the black screen issue is fixed (or it should be).

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago


Uploaded my shaders in this gist here:

Alex_qUINT_motionvectors.fx TFAA.fx TFAA.fxh

I don't get any errors with those - not even yellow warnings - and the black screen issue is fixed (or it should be).

@Spacellary Missing "ffxiv_common.fxh", "TFAAUI.fxh"

Maybe test in a fresh reshade install to confirm all dependencies?

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry I forgot the dependency and got the wrong name for the file. Will update now.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

Alright, should be all here now.

Alex_qUINT_motionvectors.fx TFAA.fx TFAAUI.fxh ffxiv_common.fxh

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

Edit: This message is invalid
I just downloaded some random file from internet try to get is run

@Spacellary If I get "ffxiv_common.fxh" from GitHub 4lex4nder ReshadeEffectToggler-FFXIV then "Alex_qUINT_motionvectors.fx" says (38, 23): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type

The visual quality is better than my configuration even if this warning exist.

I use JakobPCoder TFAAUI.fxh and there are no warning at TFAA side.

Not yet have time to measure performance cost. Maybe tomorrow.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

Interesting! The ffxiv_common.fxh I'm using is an older one I got from the dist.zip Alex was sharing directly in discord a while ago, not the one from his GitHub.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

Interesting! The ffxiv_common.fxh I'm using is an older one I got from the dist.zip Alex was sharing directly in discord a while ago, not the one from his GitHub.

Okay, I'm not the discord guy who in latest beta community in the end lol

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

@mhtvsSFrpHdE It's fine I say that because Alex releases things all over randomly, I think even he loses track of his own stuff. The version in the GitHub should be up-to-date! It's probably me who has an old version, but I shared what I have, since I wasn't getting errors on my end.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@mhtvsSFrpHdE It's fine I say that because Alex releases things all over randomly, I think even he loses track of his own stuff. The version in the GitHub should be up-to-date! It's probably me who has an old version, but I shared what I have, since I wasn't getting errors on my end.

I see. I made a video before for AstrayFX's TAA port, now I should plan a update to introduce JakobPCoder and Alex port.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

Ooh, you're the guy that made the video with the TAA + jitter technique! I watched it, haha! That's what inspired me to look at DRME and TFAA. Crazy!

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

Ooh, you're the guy that made the video with the TAA + jitter technique! I watched it, haha! That's what inspired me to look at DRME and TFAA. Crazy!

I tested in Vulkan and DirectX 11.
When I slide the mouse horizontally, Alex's mod seems like motion blur / radial blur enabled.
And qUINT/JakobPCoder is much more clear, less blur effect.

Am I missing some important in tweak?

If I use your files instead the one from GitHub, then there isn't any warnings.

Well, at least in Vulkan, Alex's mod did feels better and at the time slide mouse didn't annoying me...needs more test.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@Spacellary Got it.

The Vulkan one is an action game and use mouse from time to time.

DX11 FFXIV I move with keyboard and don't often touch mouse, thus radial blur appears in Alex's mod.

In the original qUINT motion vector, move with WASD while not moving the mouse will not cause radial blur effect.

In the Alex motion vector, moving camera with mouse have no problem and only bugged when move camera with keyboard only (FFXIV).

This problem appears in both Vulkan and DX11.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@Spacellary By the way you can use DXVK to run DX9/11 game in Vulkan.

So TFAA can magically run on unsupported DX9 games. I do same thing on FFXIV. Be warn, you don't find any other online game doesn't ban or block third party plugins other than FFXIV.

With DXVK, render same scene cost more GPU. But interesting thing is, if CPU is crap and GPU is strong, I can get higher FPS / have more other players display on screen at same time. The CPU cost is reduced dramatically.

For example DX11 100 players on screen 45 FPS GPU 56% (CPU bottleneck), assume 60 FPS should be GPU 75%, if DXVK then 60 FPS GPU 80%, cost extra 3~5%, etc.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

Be warn, you don't find any other online game doesn't ban or block third party plugins other than FFXIV.

You are generous to assume I play anything else online other than FFXIV. I pretty much only play this game x'D

Very interesting with the DXVK usage.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

Umm... Tough with the blur, I think you can try changing the settings but I'll say that, even for me DRME is better. Even if more expensive.

I think all implementations aren't perfect, so I pick my poison depending on the situation.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

Be warn, you don't find any other online game doesn't ban or block third party plugins other than FFXIV.

You are generous to assume I play anything else online other than FFXIV. I pretty much only play this game x'D

Very interesting with the DXVK usage.

People in reddit or DXVK GitHub issue says run DXVK on Windows is meanless, but today things is different. You can have access to latest DX11+ / Vulkan shaders in old DX9 games! Also I think I busted why some people says DXVK boosted their FPS, but in theory DXVK shouldn't: Their system is CPU bottleneck. GPU has planty horsepower could handle DXVK cost.

Just send more, more draw call to GPU and FPS is boosted.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

I'll need to experiment with DXVK, it's very interesting but I didn't play around with it personally yet.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

I'll need to experiment with DXVK, it's very interesting but I didn't play around with it personally yet.

For FFXIV, DXVK-async from GitHub should pretty useful because this game doesn't cost tons of GPU, the only thing blocked you out from higher FPS is whole screen of other players. That means draw call / CPU bottleneck.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

Umm... Tough with the blur, I think you can try changing the settings but I'll say that, even for me DRME is better. Even if more expensive.

I think all implementations aren't perfect, so I pick my poison depending on the situation.

I don't see setting that may be important to reduce blur from GUI. You play FFXIV too you don't have horizontally blur issue? May I have your reshade preset ini?

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@Spacellary If use DXVK-async, remember to set a Windows system level environment variable name DXVK_ASYNC value 1
Not just drag dlls.
Because FFXIV use admin permission to run.

You may need to configure FFXIV Reshade to use Vulkan before install DXVK, they use same dll name.

It's very easy to forgot add environment variable so you're not actually async...

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

@mhtvsSFrpHdE I'll need to get ingame and experiment to see how things are, after I changed my setup I haven't gotten things the way they used to be yet.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@Spacellary Funny, Alex's mod has horizontall blur and qUINT has vertical blur(in certain angle to certain texture)

I need to get DRME to see any different.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@Spacellary Hey! I suddenly discovered a magic value to set in original qUINT!

Disable performance mode, go to qUINT_motionvectors.fx, UI_ME_LAYER_MAX drop down menu, choose "Quarter Resolution"

Then drag Filter Smoothness slide bar all the way right to 6.000

Turn on performance mode again.

You may notice the side effect is something like hot air distortion around moving objects, but both horizontall and vertical radial blur is gone!
Give it a try, with the "quarter (1/4)" resolution, you can get even higher performance...
In this case, full and half resolution looks no good than quarter for unknown reason.

This config only cost 19.3% extra performance. Lower than 31%.

Spacellary commented 1 year ago

@mhtvsSFrpHdE In some situations 1/4 resolution looks less noisy too, but increasing the filter smoothness helps. It's the best for performance, and is less noticeable in a higher resolution like 1440p.