JakobTischler / MoreRealisticDLCs

A lua/xml project that adds MoreRealistic to the Farming Simulator DLCs
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Where do you get the dealer prices for vehicle and tools #15

Closed Satissis closed 10 years ago

Satissis commented 10 years ago

As the issue says. I'm having a problem getting the dealer price on the Lindner Unitrack 92 + the 4 tools for it, I'm able to find the used price on the Lindner Unitrack 92 it self but anything else, seams not to exists + I'm looking for the new price and not used ones.

Grisu118 commented 10 years ago

Same for me with the Ursus things...

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

By the way (slightly off topic) @Grisu118: if you use the default price / dailyUpkeep values, you don't need to specifically set them in the vehicleData.

quadural commented 10 years ago

since this is a game, we have to "adjust" the prices so that a vehicle is not "over priced" compared to its usefulness in game.

I think 76,000€ should be a "fair" price for the Unitrack 92 then, can you list me the different "modules" and their "capacities" and current prices ?

regarding the ursus, we can't really use the "real" price for them, otherwise, why would the player buy a more expensive tractor to get the same thing in game ? And so, we have to "over priced" them a little bit.

I don't have much time by the moment, but I will try to find some values when possible

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Lindner Forage Module: capacity: 7.5 compression to 9.5 m3 price: 10500

Lindner Transport Module: capacity: 2 m3 price: 2400

Lizard Spreader Module: capacity: 2.2 m3 price: 5700

Kirchner KVH 3000 A: capacity: 3 m3 price: 6800

quadural commented 10 years ago

first thing : the capacities seem wrong. the forage module is between 14 and 21m3 => http://www.lindner-traktoren.at/fr/unitrac-landwirtschaft.html

I don't know what are the right values, but maybe this is possible the take measure "by eye" (or with a ruler mod) in game ?

Satissis commented 10 years ago

I got the data from this test data sheet of it: http://www.josephinum.at/fileadmin/content/BLT/Pruefberichte/g2008076.pdf There are 2 types of the Unitrack. there is the 92 and the 92L where the L is a longer version. The test sheet do have specific measurements of the forage module, so maybe I should try calculate the m3 by those.

EDIT: just did an calculation of the size and it gives me 8.4 m3 On the data sheet the height that is shown is is the total height when on the vehicle frame and the height to the height above ground of the loading area is 1040. so (2.67 - 1.04) x 1.64 x 3.15 = 8.42058 Not sure where the 14 to 21 m3 is coming from, but yeah the size is still wrong.

EDIT2: there is another value as well, which I might use instead, since there could be something wrong with the size data specified. taken from test sheet: Volume of the self loading wagon. Min value is 7.5 and max value is 9.2 m3 so maybe I should use the 9.2m3 instead.

Grisu118 commented 10 years ago

In the official forum the wrong capacities are almost mentioned, when I remember right.

quadural commented 10 years ago

page 9 : tipper module is indeed 2M3 (pretty small) page 10 : forage wagon is 7.5m3 to 9.2m3 page 11 : manure spreader = 2.2m3

so, since the 3m3 capacity of the liquid manure spreader seems alright, I was wrong : everything is ok with the lindner documentation. I don't know why they are talking of 14 to 21 m3 on their website (maybe with the L version) sorry for this, I am a little bit suspicious regarding data without any official documentation.

in that case, the module prices sound ok to me. that means about 100k to get a vehicle able to transport fruit, spread manure (liquid and solid) and pickup straw/grass.

@Grisu118 : can you open a new "issue" for the ursus prices ? (since they are a lot of equipment in it)

Satissis commented 10 years ago

I just did an ingame measurement and yeah it's a bit bigger I think. width = 1.95. Length = 3m Height = 1.7 1.92 x 3 x 1.7 = 9.792 which might be true to the 9.2m3 since I didn't extract the triangles at the front and the end. so 9.2 it is then. I did the compression rate based on the ratio between the 7.5 to 9.2 which is 1.22 Should I still set that to 1.6 as you did on the other loader wagons or should I keep the 1.22 ratio ?

quadural commented 10 years ago

the 1.6 ratio is for a "forager wagon" in our case, this is "only" a self-loading wagon. And so, I think you can keep the 1.22 ratio