JakobTischler / MoreRealisticDLCs

A lua/xml project that adds MoreRealistic to the Farming Simulator DLCs
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Another question for Dural (Friction when detaching) #17

Closed Satissis closed 10 years ago

Satissis commented 10 years ago

This video shows and explains it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFPbaIqUMmU

quadural commented 10 years ago

just press the magic F5 key to see the "components" I suppose there are more than 1 component for the "module". And so, if the "components" mass repartition is "bad", you can get this problem ("huge" component applying forces on small one = "giggles")

Satissis commented 10 years ago


<component1 centerOfMass="0 0.5 0" realMassWanted="0.73" realTransWithMass="0 0.1 0" realTransWithMassMax="0 0.2 0" />
<component2 realMassWanted="0.01" /> <!-- Support side 1 -->
<component3 realMassWanted="0.01" /> <!-- Support side 2 -->

So yeah maybe I should raice the support mass a bit and lower the mass on comp1 then.

quadural commented 10 years ago

so, "logical" you have to specify the "realMassWanted" for eaxh component.

if you want a total mass of 730kgs, you can set both support to "0.15" and the "main body" to "0.43" 2x 150kgs support should be able to withstand a 730kgs mass.

Satissis commented 10 years ago

yeah :) I tested it and works fine now :) Thanks :)