JakobTischler / MoreRealisticDLCs

A lua/xml project that adds MoreRealistic to the Farming Simulator DLCs
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What we are working on (So we don't do the same work) #21

Closed Satissis closed 10 years ago

Satissis commented 10 years ago

So I have almost finished the Lindner package and is now looking into what I want/can convert next. I had the idea of starting working on the Marshall DLC but Jakob also said that @Dhalj also talked about doing those, which is the reason of this post/issue.

We can still all work on the same DLC pack, we just need to know what vehicle we are currently working on, so my suggestion would be: Each of us only make one post in this topic that have the info on what we are currently working on. When a person finished that one, he go in here and edit his post to what he wanna do next and do so before starting on it, so the others can be sure no one is already doing that one. If some people only have some of the DLC's they should post that as well, so we can better see and plan who are doing what, so someone don't get out of work because he only have 1 of the DLC's but the rest have the same and others, which they could have been working on instead.

Hope you can see the point in this post.

I'll initiate the first post as an example.

EDIT I think you can all edit this first post, so if you find usefull data websites for some of the vehicles, you can add it here for others to use as well.

Marshall DLC: All equipments are listed on this website, with all the details needed for them. It even have price tags for them. http://www.marshall-trailers.co.uk

Lindner Unitract 92 test sheet: http://www.josephinum.at/fileadmin/content/BLT/Pruefberichte/g2008076.pdf

Satissis commented 10 years ago

DLC's: Titanium, Ursus, Marshall, Väderstad, Lindner Unitrack.

Currently working on: None

Comment: Are on business trip until late friday !

quadural commented 10 years ago

DLC's: Titanium, Ursus, Marshall, Väderstad, Lindner Unitrack.

Currently working on: Ursus or not ursus, that is the question


Grisu118 commented 10 years ago

DLC's: Titanium, Ursus, Väderstad, Lindner.

Currently working on: Ursus Tractors

Comment: Not much time this week

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

DLC's: Titanium, Ursus, Marshall, Väderstad, Lindner Unitrack.

Currently working on: test Ursus DLC


JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

DLC's: Lindner, Marshall, Titanium, Ursus, Väderstad

Currently working on: script


Satissis commented 10 years ago

Will close this, since we already have converted all the vehicles and is only testing them and that we have there own issue on.