JakobTischler / MoreRealisticDLCs

A lua/xml project that adds MoreRealistic to the Farming Simulator DLCs
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Vaderstad carrier 820 sliding #22

Closed Dhalj closed 10 years ago

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

I think that the vaderstad carrier 820 cultivator is not suited for hilly/uneven terrein. the extra support wheels are close to the center of the implement, so is slides on hilly terrein very easily.

can we make it slide less?

The draft settings on flat terrain are good, but if I hit uneven terrain the tractor slips.

see pictures: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ek5lq1lrff1e8tu/AAAcsiv3vI6RmCKELcKfO1Sha

do I have to change the draft settings so it puls a bit easier on uneven terrain?

quadural commented 10 years ago

I got the exact same problem with the amazon condor on some field spot on WestbridgeHills. I think I will try to play with the joint rot limit between the foldable components and the main body.

you can't play with the "draft settings" otherwise, the tractor would be able to tow the implement at indecent speed in normal condition. Another way is to add more "wheelshape" to the vehicle (in your case, one wheelshape at each extremity like I did for the caseIH headers)

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

by playing with the rotlimit, you mean that you will make the foldable sides looser, so they can follow the uneven terrain.

I will see if i can add the extra wheels on the ends of the folding parts and see if that goes any better

quadural commented 10 years ago

right : I had to do that for the "amazon condor" to make it more "flexible" (not released yet) I played with the "transLimit" and "rotLimit" through the "animations" section of the xml

        <animation name="rightArm">

            <part componentJointIndex="0" startTime="0" endTime="3" startRotLimit="0 0 5" endRotLimit="0 0 0" startTransLimit="0 0.3 0" endTransLimit="0 0 0" />
            <part componentJointIndex="1" startTime="0" endTime="3" startRotLimit="0 0 5" endRotLimit="0 0 0" startTransLimit="0 0.3 0" endTransLimit="0 0 0" />
Dhalj commented 10 years ago

I tried to add the virtual wheels to the TempoF8 seeder but unfortunatly I cannot get it to work on the folding components. I am getting the same error on every folding part I try to add the wheels to.

*error: Physics: enqueueCreateWheelShape failed, object RootNode is not dynamic or kinematic

log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jj03d4lf35a40tp/log.txt component indexes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ryvoksuluum860w/Tempo%20F8%20components.txt

If I add the virtual_wheels to the visual_wheels that are already on the folding parts, the visual_wheels move position (repr="0>0|4|0|0|0 and repr="0>0|5|0|0|0) picture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/veikhr4mz0ogrgt/2014-05-28_00001.jpg picture2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lps3t5kpu58q1es/2014-05-28_00003.jpg

If I add the virtual_wheels to the "colLeftArm" or "colRightArm" repr="2"> or repr="3"> it also gives the same error, because there is no higher rootnode at all

wheel lines in the vaderstad xml file:

            <wheel repr="2>" radius="0.5" deltaY="0" brakeRatio="0" damper="20" spring="195" suspTravel="0.01" antiRollFx="0" lateralStiffness="0.1" />
            <wheel repr="3>" radius="0.5" deltaY="0" brakeRatio="0" damper="20" spring="195" suspTravel="0.01" antiRollFx="0" lateralStiffness="0.1" />
JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

Ok, so you can't add them to the main components, as they don't have the correct rigidBodyType. As your pictures show, you also can't add them to the existing wheels (which wouldn't make any sense to me, anyway).

If components 2 and 3 are the side collisions, what about adding the wheels to the visual part of the sides (could be leftArm/rightArm)? I'm not sure if they have the correct rigidBodyTypes, though.

quadural commented 10 years ago

I don't think this is a good idea to make one "topic" for both the 820 and the tempro. Regarding the tempro : where are the "wheelshapes" ? I can't see them on the screenshot... What is the problem with this one : too much draft force when the collision boxes touch the ground ? slidding ?

If you really need to add 2 new "virtual wheels" on both side of the tempro, I think you should try with : either the "aiMarker" = 0>5 and 0>6 (left, right) either the "start width height" indexes => 0>2, 0>3, 0>4

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

On both the seeder and the cultivator, the first component 0> is a rigid body, so I can add the wheels to nodes 0>1, 0>2 etc, but not to 0>1|1 because component 0>1 is not a rigid body.

on the tempo F8 the extra wheels are not really needed, but on uneven terrain the seeder would run on the outside wheels instead of going through the ground.

On the carrier 820, the wheels would help to minimize the draft force on uneven terrain and make the cultivater slide to th esides much less on sloped fields.

On both implements the virtual wheels are not really needed, they would just make them better

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

On both implements the virtual wheels are not really needed, they would just make them better

Keeping that in mind, what's the status of those two? They're, apart from the Ursus C-330, the only ones left.

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

I cannot add the virtual wheels, I made a few tuning changes today, and I will close this issue. both are done, and work good.