JakobTischler / MoreRealisticDLCs

A lua/xml project that adds MoreRealistic to the Farming Simulator DLCs
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Test Titanium DLC #60

Closed Dhalj closed 9 years ago

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

Both the IH Axialflow 9230 combines will not start treshing when the header is selected and you press B, The Axialflow 7130 is ok.

To start treshing with te big combines, you have to selecet the combine, press B and then select the header and pres V to raise or lower it. normally you can start treshing when the header is selected.

I tried it with both Case headers.

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

IIRC, this was the case from the beginning (released DLC version). Should have nothing to do with our project.

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

That is too bad, then we most probably cannot change anything about it. it is strange that the smaller combine does work correctly. but maybe this also has to do that some vehicles are done correctly and other vehicles are made badly in the same DLC

quadural commented 10 years ago

the 9230 combine features the "mouse controlled pipe". This is like a frontloader tractor. And so, you have to be able to select the header or the combine in game to tell the "game engine" if you want to control the "pipe" or the "header reel".

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the explanation Dural, now I understand why I have to select the header. will also have a look at the mouse control feature on those combines.

will close this issue for now, if I find anything else I will reopen it.

Dhalj commented 10 years ago

MR Case 3020 header conflicts with the MR cutter trailer

I needed a cutter trailer to get the header to the testing field, but I did not have a trailer, so I used the MR cutter trailer that is in Durals MR vehicle pack. the trailer fits ok on the trailer untill you try to lock it on the trailer. can we fix this, or do we need a new cutter trailer with the locking joint moved?

Header on the trailer: 2014-06-04_00004

Header locked on the trailer: 2014-06-04_00005

If I do not lock the header I can drive a round and the trailer dolly will steer, if I lock the header, the dolly steering can be blocked in one or both directions, depending on the position of the header on the trailer.

dolly will not turn to the LH-side: 2014-06-04_00006

but it can turn to the RH-side: 2014-06-04_00007

quadural commented 10 years ago

fix : I added 2 new attacher joints to the lizard "cutter trailer" so that it can handle both the 3412 and 3020 headers from the titanium DLC. PS : Vehicle pack V1.3.7 (not uploaded yet)

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

Shop specs:

Krone Swadro German shopswadro_de In German the specs text isn't too long, but it could be in other languages. Please check the English and French versions. If they are too long, I would suggest removing the "weight" line, as the fillTypes are more important.

Horsch Titan UW German shoptitan_de In German the specs text isn't too long, but it could be in other languages. Please check the English and French versions. If they are too long, I would suggest removing the "weight" line, as the fillTypes are more important.

Horsch Maestro German shopmaestro12sw_de In German the specs text is too long, it could be the same in other languages. Please check the English and French versions.I would suggest removing the "weight" line, as the fillTypes are more important.

quadural commented 10 years ago

in all 3 cases, the text is already too long in case there is a "promotion" (sales) fsscreen_2014_06_06_14_48_27

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

Ah shit, that's what you meant with "promotion". Well, this screws up everything... now we basically only have 4 lines for the spec data. We're gonna have to rethink which spec information should have priority for each vehicle. Also, we could move the "fruit types" line, which sometimes takes up 2 lines, to the "description" section.

quadural commented 10 years ago

Not a big deal though... Only a few people do read the shop description. And so, I don't think we would get people complaining about the text "spilling" when a sales is running... => but, if we want it to be perfect, we have to reduce the number of lines to 4 (like I did for all the default mr machinery....) The spec part is too small to give all the interesting data anyway.

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

Well, I would rather have all/most of the data in specs section 99% of the time and see the promotion overlap 1% of the time, than reduce the number of lines to 4 completely. But, that would still mean that we'd have to check all converted vehicles to make sure that not more than 5 lines (6 lines in total including the upkeep) are being used. Such as, e.g., the Maestro.

But you're also right in saying that the specs space is too small - especially if you look at the above pictures, where the description box is barely filled.

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Okay, while testing something with @JakobTischler we ran into 2 small problems.

  1. The Case 7130 combine can not attach the header trailer, like there is no attachpoint to it. Maybe we should add that to it, so it can actually attach the trailer.
  2. When placing and attaching the Case 3020 small Header to the default MR header trailer, it do lock into place, but it's raised above the actually bead it was supposed to be on. A screenshot says more than anything so here it is:


quadural commented 10 years ago
  1. we can't add the "visual" part of the attacher. And that would also mean we have to add dynamically a new transform group to the 7130.
  2. you didn't attach the header at the right place (this is the corn header place here) => don't unload it so far on the right side of the trailer. (the game logic use the first attacher joint available for the implement you try to attach) Correct position = fsscreen_2014_06_07_15_40_18
Satissis commented 10 years ago
  1. It's not that a big problem adding a new transform groupe, since there is a function for that on the GDN. The only thing I do see as an problem, is that there is no visual hitch on the combine it self but it would still be nicer that the combine can transport it self.
  2. Well I just placed it as I normally would, and I'm positive allot others would do that well and they will give us an bug report about it in the support topic, when it's released. Would it not be better if we actually made the cutter trailer smart and made it so it would check if it's the case 3020 header and then attach it at that spot ? I'm okay with it my self well at least that I know about it I am, but I'm just thinking on the normal users that can't figure out why it's doing that.
Grisu118 commented 10 years ago

Big X 1100 On the Krone harvester, the back wheel is colliding with the body. It's not much but it is :) KroneBigXWheelCollision

quadural commented 10 years ago

@Satissis :

  1. if there is no hitch on the "normal" 7130 combine and there is no visible hitch on the "mr" version, I don't think users would know they can attach a trailer behind the harvester. Anyway, I don't mind adding the "invisible" attacher as long as @JakobTischler is ok to "script" a way to add a new transformGroup.
  2. this trailer is not an "universal" header trailer. It has been made for the default deutz headers. IRL, you just can't put any header on any trailer. Moreover, the caseIh header collisions are not great with this trailer => try with the corn header to see by yourself. I don't think making a script to "check" the header before attaching is a good idea : that means we have to make a "header" list to support any headers. In such case, this is "cleaner" to add a "lock" script instead of the default giants attaching script. "the normal users" = does not buy a header trailer and drive on the road with the header attached to the combine (why spending time and money for something that does not earn you any money ?) Only those who try to simulate real life would mind about that. But in such a case, we need :
    • a caseIh header trailer
    • a rear hitch on the 7130 combine

The problem with a "locking" script = the header remains in the same position as you set it (for the "normal users" = bad position in most cases since they don't know anything about combines) And so, the result is not better at all. This is not an easy point here...

@Grisu118 : turn the wheel in the other way and look at the "black ballast" => do we really need to set a steering angle of 10° not to see a "collision" ? I am not the maker of all the models, but yes, most of them are "bad" regarding this apsect (most base game tractors have really poor steering capabilities if we don't allow "collision")

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Alright, lets stay at that.

quadural commented 10 years ago

I still don't know....

  1. this is good to have some difference between combines (7130 = valuable but no attacher => it "sucks" in singleplayer)
  2. I will see if I can do something to "recognize" the header (I can't promise since this is a "hidden" giants mechanic). After all, we can just support the default deutz header and caseih, other mod headers would stick with the default behavior in such case.
JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

It should certainly be possible to add the tg via script. Something like:

<trailerAttacherJoint maxRotLimit="10 45 60" low="true" createNode="true" parent="0>4|1" translation="0 0.9 -4.7" rotation="0 0 0" />

With that, I'd create a new transformGroup as a child of 0>4|1, with the corresponding translation etc. And at that point create the trailerAttacherJoint.

Question is though: does the 7130 have an attacher joint in real life? And: would it look ok if we have the trailer attached while the chopper is still visible, and while there's no visible attacher part?

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Just remember when adding an attacher joint node, it needs to be rotated 90 degree of it's original direction (Don't know why giants did this)

Anyway, @quadural , I have send you an treat on email.

Grisu118 commented 10 years ago

@quadural ok, you have a good argument :) It's ok for me so.

@JakobTischler It looks like he have an attacherjoint: CaseIH7130back

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

I looked over how I could add the new attacherJoint node in the script, and have come to the conclusion it's probably not possible. The attacherJoint data (including its index) is defined (in load()) before I can actually create the node (in loadFinished()). So in my opinion that's not an option anymore.

quadural commented 10 years ago

IRL, any combine harvester can be featured with a rear hitch. BUT : this is not a default feature, and in our case, it seems there is an option incompatible with the rear hitch (the additionnal "black skirt" = not a wise choice by Giants) This is a "95%" USA combine = no hitch, the header is carted by a truck (ford F350 and so) => the truck is missing, so is the correct header attacher... Many players spoke of that on the german official forum.

Even in france, with very wide header, we rarely attach the trailer to the combine because it becomes a bit "annoying" when crossing small town. Most of the time, we only attach it to the combine for long travel (contractor who start combining at the south and get back to the north with the same combine)

quadural commented 10 years ago

regarding the attacherJoint index for the header on the "cutter trailer" : Satissi method = v1.3.44 MoreRealistic.zip

The new realisticVehicle pack is being uploaded (V1.3.8). Here is the addition to the cutter trailer xml :

        <specificAttachingIndex implementShortName="titaniumAddon/caseIH/caseIH3020Cutter.xml" attacherJointIndex="2" />
        <specificAttachingIndex implementShortName="titaniumAddon/caseIH/caseIH3412Corn.xml" attacherJointIndex="3" />
        <specificAttachingIndex implementShortName="moreRealisticVehicles/harvesters/deutzCutter7545RTS.xml" attacherJointIndex="1" />
        <specificAttachingIndex implementShortName="moreRealisticVehicles/harvesters/deutzCutter6095HTS.xml" attacherJointIndex="1" />              
        <specificAttachingIndex implementShortName="moreRealisticVehicles/harvesters/deutzCutter5465H.xml" attacherJointIndex="1" />
JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

I like the idea a lot. This will be harder to use with regular mods, as their file name might differ from user to user, but that's a different problem.

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

While testing something else, I noticed that the Magnum doesn't really look great with any PTO implement:



As you can see, the PTO bar goes directly through that hitch thingy. Probably nothing we (or you) can do about it - just thought I'd share it.

Satissis commented 10 years ago

I was using the HORSCH Maestro 12 SW seeder on the Titanium map field 15 and I came across that it some times didn't seed some areas. When testing further I found out that when hitting those spots, it would not seed on, the seeding unit it self was tilting forwards and if I stopped and reversed just a tiny bit, it tilted back and seeded that area, but as soon I drove forward again, it tilted again and stopped seeding. At some point, it did even lift one of the big wheels on the trailer it self, so I'm thinking that it might need some more up and down movement limit and no rotation/tilting limit. Here is a picture where it's shown: fsscreen_2014_06_15_22_00_51

quadural commented 10 years ago

@Satissis : can you make a picture with the PDA map (far view) activated ? I am not able to reproduce this problem so far.

Edit : I was able to see it now. Here is the explanation : 20140616-dlc titanium horsch maestro problem

Solution = we need to be able to modify the "startTrans" and "endTrans" of the lowering animation (and also the transLimit and rotLimit if possible)

Example of the "amazon condor" for the "rot and trans component joint limit" = <part componentJointIndex="0" startTime="0" endTime="3" startRotLimit="0 0 5" endRotLimit="0 0 0" startTransLimit="0 0.3 0" endTransLimit="0 0 0" />

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Here is the image. It also shows that the seeder is sliding to one of the sides. fsscreen_2014_06_16_13_18_20

So to make those changes, do we need new values to set or are they already there ?

quadural commented 10 years ago

I got the same behavior as your picture : the "seeding ramp" doesn't have enough "play" (translimit) on the up side. And so, the left part of the ramp is touching the ground whereas the left wheel doesn't touch the ground anymore (or doesn't have enough weight to keep the seeder in-line) As far as I know, we need new "setting up" options here to be able to play with the animations's "parts".

quadural commented 10 years ago

ok, worked like a charm. Now I need to see with Jakobs how we can handle that in a "tidy" way.

What I did directly with script =

local testKey = 'vehicle.animations.animation(0)';
setValue(xmlFile, testKey .. '.part(0)#startRotLimit', 'str', '10 0 20');
setValue(xmlFile, testKey .. '.part(1)#startTransLimit', 'str', '0 0.3 0'); 
setValue(xmlFile, testKey .. '.part(2)#startRot', 'str', '25 0 0');
setValue(xmlFile, testKey .. '.part(3)#startRot', 'str', '-25 0 0');

so, maybe we could add something like that in the DLC xml config file :

  <part animNum="0" partNum="0"  startRotLimit="10 0 20" />
  <part animNum="0" partNum="1"  startTransLimit="0 0.3 0" />
  <part animNum="0" partNum="2"  startRot="25 0 0" />
  <part animNum="0" partNum="3"  startRot="-25 0 0" />
JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I'm adding it at the moment. Setup will be:

    <part animIndex="0" partIndex="0" startRotLimit="10 0 20" />
    <part animIndex="0" partIndex="1" startTransLimit="0 0.3 0" />
    <part animIndex="0" partIndex="2" startRot="25 0 0" />
    <part animIndex="0" partIndex="3" startRot="-25 0 0" />

Do we also need the "end" values (endRot, endTrans etc.)?

quadural commented 10 years ago

Yes, please. It would depend on the "animation" we want to modify (direction of the animation)

quadural commented 10 years ago

Thanks Jakob, new Maestro available for testing.

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Retesting and it works fine now :+1:

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

Concerning the Maestro: I drove around with it yesterday (folded) and got ground contact messages multiple times - meaning that the rear end is very close to the ground. The wheels are centered on the axle, so that's ok. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or simply a usability problem.

quadural commented 10 years ago

maybe a "groundReference" flag to close to the ground ?

De : Jakob Tischler notifications@github.com À : JakobTischler/MoreRealisticDLCs MoreRealisticDLCs@noreply.github.com Cc : michel mx12cent@yahoo.fr Envoyé le : Samedi 21 juin 2014 13h58 Objet : Re: [MoreRealisticDLCs] Test Titanium DLC (#60)

Concerning the Maestro: I drove around with it yesterday (folded) and got ground contact messages multiple times - meaning that the rear end is very close to the ground. The wheels are centered on the axle, so that's ok. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or simply a usability problem.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Althou I was not able to reproduce that message stuff, I was able to make a screenshot where the collision box touches the ground: fsscreen_2014_06_21_14_27_15 Maybe it needs to be raised a little bit more ?

EDIT: I was able to get that message as well now.

quadural commented 10 years ago

ok, I remember seing this message when driving "recklessly" too. On Satissis's picture, it seems normal to get the message. I will check if the IRL model can raise higher than that. We can also try using the "onlyActiveWhenLowered" flag

quadural commented 10 years ago

so, it doesn't seem the IRL model can handle much more than ours : http://www.proplanta.de/Landtechnik/Landtechnik_Bilder/gebraucht-Horsch-Maestro-12-75-SW_20120531145754_1.jpg

as usual, the real problem comes from the "unrealistic shaped road" on this map. (Giants Editor is really not handy to make "real" roads. I gave it a try once a while ago = had to use "the Gimp" and some scripts to modify the slope of the road and get something "real". Only possible in straight line though)

EDIT : there is an "onlyActiveWhenLowered" parameter available, but only for cultivators and plough. EDIT2 : no need to bother with the "onlyActiveWhenLowered" parameter, it only takes into account the tractor 3pt hitch (joint movedown, true or false) EDIT3: it seems we can play with the "anim endRot" values. Let's try to raise it a little bit then. EDIT4: new settings uploaded

Satissis commented 10 years ago

Alright, will test that a bit later. About not raising that much further, then I noticed on that picture you posted Dural, that it's tilted a bit more forward when raised, which will raise the back part of the seed unit a bit more and which could fix it as well I think :)

quadural commented 10 years ago

yeah, that's true. I already "tilted" it a little bit to best correspond to the picture. And that definitely help against our problem.

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

I tested the Horsch UW ingame on a couple of corn runs, and it worked without any problems, looking nice.

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

Tested the BigX. Everything looks ok, it's just the sound that's driving me mad. Sounds like a cheap vacuum cleaner or something...

quadural commented 10 years ago

It seems very few vehicles have a decent engine sound in this game (case puma for example) All the harvesters have crappy engine sounds. Regarding the bigX, we can hear the "IRL" engine sound during about 0.5s when we start the thresher. The question is : why didn't they get this engine sound rather than the "vacuum cleaner" one ? maybe this is easier to record a "vacuum sound" than only the engine sound of a vehicle. Or maybe their record was not useable because of the wind or something like that. Maybe we can "attenuate" that by lowering the engine sound ? or lowering the final pitch ? so that we hear better the "threshing sound" than the "engine sound" But I highly doubt we can transform a "vacuum cleaner" sound into a V12 MAN engine with a displacement of 24L...(D2862)

Satissis commented 10 years ago

I have tested almost everything in the titanium dlc except the liquid Manure spreader and the cultivator. I have used the cultivator a bit, but I haven't used it on a whole field yet. But everything seams fine for me.

quadural commented 10 years ago

The "overlap" of the AI Driver seems wrong with the CaseIH7130 and the 10.5m wide header.

EDIT : it seems the "ai markers" are not well placed. I will try to check that with a "debugLine" for the 3 headers

quadural commented 10 years ago

Combine harvesters and header fix (AI and cutting area) New problem = krone bigX enter the "row" like a missile after the first turn. => fixed in "mr engine" V1.3.51 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_iAIcwiFq-bNzVScHpkb1dkSTg&usp=sharing

JakobTischler commented 10 years ago

I hadn't actually noticed that. But I'll still increase the min MR version to .51

quadural commented 10 years ago

Did someone try the Krone BigX with the "easyflow" in default AI mode ? does not seem to work on my side