Referencing hidden, custom operations in user-written code actually works and breaks compilation 🙂
This issue has low priority, you basically have to be a developer of this app to actually know you can break the compiler this way. Also, you get the "There has been an issue while processing your request." message in production anyway, so no big deal.
Code to reproduce:
namespace Test {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
operation Main(): Unit {
using ((q, qs) = (Qubit(), Qubit[3])) {
TagAllocation("wtf", true);
Referencing hidden, custom operations in user-written code actually works and breaks compilation 🙂 This issue has low priority, you basically have to be a developer of this app to actually know you can break the compiler this way. Also, you get the "There has been an issue while processing your request." message in production anyway, so no big deal.
Code to reproduce: