Jaliborc / Bagnon

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Many Issues #1708

Open ConKou opened 1 year ago

ConKou commented 1 year ago

I think that's the best bag addon out there. I don't like adibags. Please can you fix the errors? They have been here for months at this point and it's always the same errors and lags when opening the bags. They have been reported multiple times also.

Anakia69 commented 1 year ago

I wonder if Bagnon is discontinued or not. Nothing is being fixed or even adressed here.

ConKou commented 1 year ago

Yeah.. I don't know if I expected a reply from the dev here. I'm moving away from Bagnon for now and will use some bag overlays for the official bags. Will check in the future if performance issues are resolved.

NickNiz commented 1 year ago

Theres a comment with a fix for the Taintless errors with a new taintless folder download. You have to go into program files > World of Warcraft > classic > Interface > AddOns > BagBrother> Libs and delete the old Taintless folder inside the "BagBrother Libs" folder. Download the new Taintless folder in the thread here a few threads down. Once downloaded, extract it to the same "BagBrother Libs" folder that you deleted the other Taintless.xml from. Hope this helps