Jaliborc / Bagnon

Single window displays for you items
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ListMenuButtons is not a function #1859

Open pattyland opened 5 months ago

pattyland commented 5 months ago

Which software were you running?

Have you read the changelog? Mark if read.

Please describe the bug. Opening my bag does nothing but displaying the Lua error message below. Not a dublicate of #1856 because I don't even get an empty bag window

Please describe how to reproduce it.

  1. Click on '.bag'
  2. See error

Any Screenshots?

Error Logs are Important!

Message: Interface/AddOns/Bagnon_ReagentBankButton/main.lua:158: hooksecurefunc(): ListMenuButtons is not a function
Time: Thu Jan 18 18:44:33 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/Bagnon_ReagentBankButton/main.lua:158: hooksecurefunc(): ListMenuButtons is not a function
[string "=[C]"]: in function `hooksecurefunc'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Bagnon_ReagentBankButton/main.lua"]:158: in main chunk

HolgerDKz commented 5 months ago

Im still getting this error on DF with Bagnon 10.2.18:

"214x Bagnon_ReagentBankButton/main.lua:158: hooksecurefunc(): ListMenuButtons is not a function [string "=[C]"]: in function `hooksecurefunc' [string "@Bagnon_ReagentBankButton/main.lua"]:158: in main chunk


HolgerDKz commented 4 months ago

Still happening with 10.2.19:

605x Bagnon_ReagentBankButton/main.lua:158: hooksecurefunc(): ListMenuButtons is not a function [string "=[C]"]: in function `hooksecurefunc' [string "@Bagnon_ReagentBankButton/main.lua"]:158: in main chunk
