Jaliborc / Bagnon

Single window displays for you items
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Looted items disappear #1890

Closed TTigress closed 2 months ago

TTigress commented 2 months ago

Which software were you running?

Have you read the changelog? Mark if read.

Please describe the bug. Items looted disappear as soon as they hit the bags. Disabled addon, and everything missing is suddenly there again.

Please describe how to reproduce it. There is no actual error message or anything like that - entire game functions as usual, but as soon as try to loot anything, I get the in game chat notification about picking up the item, but nothing shows up in my bags. I use Bugsack, and didn't get any notification there either. However, once I disable just Bagnon, all items that were "missing" are visible again.

Any Screenshots? Screenshot are for before bags when items are missing, what I disabled, and what I am seeing afterwards (items showing up again).

Error1 Error2 Error3

Error Logs are Important! No error window showed.

TTigress commented 2 months ago

reinstalled addon and problem disappeared