Jaliborc / Bagnon

Single window displays for you items
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BagBrother errors #1970

Open Lowdpska opened 1 month ago

Lowdpska commented 1 month ago

Which software were you running?

Have you read the changelog? yes

Please describe the bug. A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Please describe how to reproduce it. All visual settings are gone, I checked on two accounts

Any Screenshots? Screenshot_10

Error Logs are Important!

["message"] = "...terface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua:112: attempt to compare number with boolean",
["time"] = "2024/09/29 16:59:29",
["locals"] = "self = Frame {\n buttons = <table> {\n }\n order = <table> {\n }\n frame = BagnonInventory1 {\n }\n bags = <table> {\n }\n}\nprofile = <table> {\n rules = <table> {\n }\n point = \"TOPRIGHT\"\n hiddenBags = <table> {\n }\n scale = 1.060000\n sort = true\n spacing = 7\n lockedSlots = <table> {\n }\n bagToggle = false\n strata = \"HIGH\"\n enabled = true\n reverseBags = false\n options = true\n color = <table> {\n }\n money = true\n hiddenRules = <table> {\n }\n itemScale = 1.300000\n y = -231.338474\n bagBreak = false\n x = -0.000008\n search = false\n broker = false\n reverseSlots = false\n alpha = 1\n columns = 10\n borderColor = <table> {\n }\n}\ncolumns = 10\nscale = 1.300000\nsize = 44\nspace = 1.300000\nrevBags = false\nrevSlots = false\nx = 6\ny = 1\ngroup = 0\n(for index) = 2\n(for limit) = 6\n(for step) = 1\nk = 2\nframe = Frame {\n id = 1\n}\nbag = 1\nnumSlots = 12\nfamily = 0\nslots = <table> {\n}\n(*temporary) = false\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 2\n(*temporary) = 12\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 12\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = \"owner\"\n(*temporary) = nil\n(*temporary) = nil\n(*temporary) = <table> {\n __super = <table> {\n }\n __base = <table> {\n }\n OpenSound = 862\n __frames = <table> {\n }\n __type = \"Frame\"\n __count = 0\n FontH = GameFontHighlightLeft {\n }\n BrokerSpacing = 2\n __name = \"BagnonFrame\"\n MoneySpacing = 8\n CloseSound = 863\n Font = GameFontNormalLeft {\n }\n __index = <table> {\n }\n MoneyFrame = <table> {\n }\n BagGroup = <table> {\n }\n}\n(*temporary) = \"attempt to compare number with boolean\"\n",
["stack"] = "[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua\"]:112: in function `Layout'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua\"]:32: in function <...terface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua:30>\n[string \"=[C]\"]: in function `Show'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua\"]:32: in function `Show'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua\"]:24: in function <Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua:23>\n[string \"=(tail call)\"]: ?\n[string \"=(tail call)\"]: ?\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/features/autoDisplay.lua\"]:83: in function `ToggleBackpack'\n[string \"TOGGLEBACKPACK\"]:1: in function <[string \"TOGGLEBACKPACK\"]:1>",
["session"] = 1,
["counter"] = 1,
Lowdpska commented 1 month ago

The problem is solved if you completely delete all settings in SavedVariables And then the addon works, but unfortunately there is no longer an opportunity to visually change something (

JohnTBone commented 1 month ago

I've been seeing the same problem. Everything works fine in Cata Classic, but SoD won't load the appearance frame. I have uninstalled, removed SavedVariables, and reinstalled.

The only error I have is for BagBrother:

[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/misc/Slider.lua"]:32: in function `Construct'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0-4/Poncho-2.0.lua"]:81: in function <...aceBagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:75>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/core/Callable.lua"]:24: in function <.../BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/core/Callable.lua:23>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/core/Labeled.lua"]:27: in function <...s/BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/core/Labeled.lua:26>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/misc/Slider.lua"]:40: in function <...ns/BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/misc/Slider.lua:39>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/groups/Group.lua"]:84: in function `Add'
[string "@BagBrother/config/classes/optionsPanel.lua"]:77: in function `AddLabeled'
[string "@BagBrother/config/classes/optionsPanel.lua"]:57: in function `AddPercentage'
[string "@BagBrother/config/classes/optionsPanel.lua"]:17: in function `method'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/core/Callable.lua"]:59: in function <.../BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/core/Callable.lua:55>
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/Sushi-3.2.lua"]:28: in function `FireCalls'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/groups/Group.lua"]:71: in function <...s/BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/groups/Group.lua:68>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:866: in function `DisplayLayout'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:807: in function `DisplayCategory'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:749: in function `SelectCategory'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/groups/Options.lua"]:71: in function `Open'
[string "@Bagnon/src/optionsButton.lua"]:20: in function <Bagnon/src/optionsButton.lua:17>

self = <table> {
 __version = 2
 __template = "OptionsSliderTemplate"
 __index = <table> {
 right = 16
 bottom = 7
 DisabledFont = "GameFontDisable"
 NormalFont = "GameFontNormal"
 __super = <table> {
 __base = <table> {
 __type = "Slider"
 __name = "Sushi-3.2-Slider"
 left = 14
 __count = 1
 top = 17
 __frames = <table> {
f = Sushi-3.2-Slider1 {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "OnMouseUp"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Text' (a nil value)"
Slider = <table> {
 __version = 2
 __template = "OptionsSliderTemplate"
 __index = <table> {
 right = 16
 bottom = 7
 DisabledFont = "GameFontDisable"
 NormalFont = "GameFontNormal"
 __super = <table> {
 __base = <table> {
 __type = "Slider"
 __name = "Sushi-3.2-Slider"
 left = 14
 __count = 1
 top = 17
 __frames = <table> {