Jaliborc / PetTracker

Tracks pets, alerts for upgrades and helps you in pet battles.
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Pet Tracker interfering with the buttons on the map #235

Open Daeveren opened 3 years ago

Daeveren commented 3 years ago

Running Software (issues missing this information will be deleted):

Describe the bug The addon is interfering with other addons that add buttons on the map, as seen in the screenshots below

Screenshots With Pet Tracker loaded, when I mouse over both these buttons it shows the same thing which is anyway wrong on both: image image

Also I've made a gif here https://gfycat.com/prestigiousfreeegret

Now, the same 2 buttons if I disable Pet Tracker: image image

Note how for the right button, with Pet Tracker enabled, it was completely hiding the RareScanner section; also wtih Pet Tracker enableed, for the tooltip on the left side (one from Handy Notes: Battle for Azeroth) it's completely replacing the tooltip and instead of showing the real addon tooltip, it duplicates the one from the right button.

Error Logs No lua errors are shown at all.

DenL commented 3 years ago

Temporary bypass: in addons\main\features\mapSearch.lua, comment out line 75: --overlay:SetScript('OnMouseDown', function() self:ToggleTrackingTypes(overlay) end)

Note this would also disable toggling feature for pettracker on the map button.

Noshei commented 3 years ago

It looks like the menu is being replaced.

I suggest taking a look at how RareScanner is interacting with this menu. They do this by secure hooking the InitializeDropDown event for the frame and adding to the frame using UIDropDownMenu_AddSeparator, UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo, and UIDropDownMenu_AddButton. This is done in the following file in RareScanner: RareScanner/Core/Service/RSWorldMapHooks.lua.

Jaliborc commented 3 years ago

That creates game taint, and would not even allow for the editbox to be embedded. On Nov 29 2020, at 10:41 pm, Noshei notifications@github.com wrote:

It looks like the menu is being replaced. I suggest taking a look at how RareScanner is interacting with this menu. They do this by secure hooking the InitializeDropDown event for the frame and adding to the frame using UIDropDownMenu_AddSeparator, UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo, and UIDropDownMenu_AddButton. This is done in the following file in RareScanner: RareScanner/Core/Service/RSWorldMapHooks.lua. — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub (https://link.getmailspring.com/link/19DC0E24-7589-4C6A-9684-C09DFE2ED8F7@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FJaliborc%2FPetTracker%2Fissues%2F235%23issuecomment-735469409&recipient=cmVwbHkrQUFETUNET0ZNU0RMUUtSWEtCU1g2QU41MkFDSkJFVkJOSEhDWUlHRklBQHJlcGx5LmdpdGh1Yi5jb20%3D), or unsubscribe (https://link.getmailspring.com/link/19DC0E24-7589-4C6A-9684-C09DFE2ED8F7@getmailspring.com/1?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnotifications%2Funsubscribe-auth%2FAADMCDO7TZE6DZYSQAI3LG3SSLEZBANCNFSM4TRJ75RQ&recipient=cmVwbHkrQUFETUNET0ZNU0RMUUtSWEtCU1g2QU41MkFDSkJFVkJOSEhDWUlHRklBQHJlcGx5LmdpdGh1Yi5jb20%3D).

ThaFuRiouSOne commented 3 years ago

This is still an issue with latest update...

p3lim commented 1 year ago

This issue has gotten worse, PetTracker removes almost all menu entries.

Without PetTracker: image

With PetTracker: image