Jaliborc / PetTracker

Tracks pets, alerts for upgrades and helps you in pet battles.
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libs/Sushi error with latest version #351

Open Gaviin1242 opened 1 year ago

Gaviin1242 commented 1 year ago

Not exactly sure when this gets triggered, but it happens pretty consistently with the latest version:

35x ...PetTracker/libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:148: calling 'IsMouseOver' on bad self (Usage: local isMouseOver = self:IsMouseOver([offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight])) [string "=[C]"]: in function `IsMouseOver' [string "@PetTracker/libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua"]:148: in function <...PetTracker/libs/Sushi-3.1/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:147> [string "@PetTracker/libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua"]:153: in function <...PetTracker/libs/Sushi-3.1/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:147>

[string "@PetTracker/libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua"]:93: in function <...PetTracker/libs/Sushi-3.1/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:92>

Locals: (*temporary) = SimpleCheckout { 0 = RightOutside = Line { } RightInside = Line { } Background = Frame { } CalculateDesiredSize = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:101 OnShow = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:54 OnLoad = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:25 OnHide = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:61 LeftOutside = Line { } OnExternalLink = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:83 TopInside = Line { } BottomOutside = Line { } CloseButton = Button { } TopOutside = Line { } BottomInside = Line { } OnEvent = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:29 LeftInside = Line { } RecalculateSize = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:139 OnRequestNewSize = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_SimpleCheckout.lua:75 }

CrusaderEsper commented 1 year ago

It's happening to me when I'm in the new vault area and the Recipe Rat vanishes from my bags. Might trigger when an object leaves your bags through non-standard methods.

Unclevinny commented 1 year ago

I had this pop up today while flying in Icecrown, but I haven't been able to repro it.