Jaliborc / PetTracker

Tracks pets, alerts for upgrades and helps you in pet battles.
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nil error when other addons modify the collected tooltip line #369

Open Pingumania opened 1 year ago

Pingumania commented 1 year ago

Which software were you running?

Have you read the changelog? Yes

Please describe the bug. In PetTracker/addons/main/features/tooltips.lua is the function function Tooltips.OnUnit(tip) and executes a loop

for i = 1, tip:NumLines() do
  local line = _G[tip:GetName() .. 'TextLeft' .. i]
  if line:GetText():find('^' .. COLLECTED) then

If the return isn't reached (usually if other addons modify the collected tooltip line) and there is a line where GetText() returns nil you get the attempt to index a nil value error.

Please describe how to reproduce it.

  1. Add this snippet at the top to this function:
    for i = 1, tip:NumLines() do
    local line = _G[tip:GetName() .. 'TextLeft' .. i]
    if line:GetText():find('^' .. COLLECTED) then
    local text = nil
    _G[tip:GetName() .. 'TextLeft' .. 4]:SetText(text)
  2. Hover over a already collected battle pet in the wild
  3. Below error shows up

Quick fix Change line 22 from

if line:GetText():find('^' .. COLLECTED) then


if (line:GetText() or ""):find('^' .. COLLECTED) then

Error Logs are Important!

1x PetTracker/addons/main/features/tooltips.lua:22: attempt to index a nil value
[string "@PetTracker/addons/main/features/tooltips.lua"]:22: in function <PetTracker/addons/main/features/tooltips.lua:14>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `securecallfunction'
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:162: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:157>
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:182: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:178>
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:218: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:208>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetAttribute'
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:243: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:236>
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:389: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:339>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `securecallfunction'
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:336: in function `ProcessInfo'
[string "@FrameXML/GameTooltip.lua"]:1092: in function `SetWorldCursor'
[string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:1493: in function <FrameXML/UIParent.lua:1416>