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List Making / Bookmarks #961

Open mikekasprzak opened 7 years ago

mikekasprzak commented 7 years ago

This would be SUPER USEFUL to have. I have a few cases where I've needed to users to provide me list. If this was an actual feature, I could actually run queries on the raw lists I'm provided.

But otherwise, people like to make and share lists.

If you could embed lists in a blog post, that would be cool too, because people like lists.


local-minimum commented 7 years ago

In those cases you talked about, you wanted the list to really be like:

"title": "Games without content",
"description": "text",
      "title": "",
      "description": "",
      "checked": false,

Where checked is optional to make checklist. You'd easily want to add a site uri to a list of yours and automatically make new entry.

Besides useful for you, they would be a great way to curating games on the site.

I think also that there should be an auto-generating list for each event with the games you have voted on. Or at least a way to easily see that (like there used to be), but not disappear after voting is over.

zwrawr commented 7 years ago

834 could probably share functionality with Polls/Surveys

local-minimum commented 7 years ago

Yes, it's just a matter of having some data of how it is published, I suppose.

mikekasprzak commented 6 years ago

Just as a general note, list-making needs to be very robust.

Most users will likely use it to manage a single global wishlist of things to check. This could see upwards of 1000 items for some users.

Some users will want to do separate lists per event.

Some users will want multiple lists per event. Streamers especially. This means a user can potentially have 100 lists, so the UX should be capable of handling this.

Sub-lists might even be something worth pursuing (i.e. a way to view everything on multiple lists at once). This almost makes them a feature similar to Workflowy. An alternative way of approaching this is to not have sub-lists, but rather let you define a user customizable type for each element of the list. Almost like tagging, though not necessarily tied to the existing (limited) tagging system.

List items should allow the list makers to include a note. A personalized blob of text.

Generally speaking, the listing feature should be approached similarly to Steam Curators.


Eventually, being able to embed a list in a post would be desirable.

mikekasprzak commented 6 years ago

Lists should be a node, sharing the same pool as posts (i.e. belonging to a game or a user). This means they can have a description.

Should lists be an item? Maybe. item/list. This would mean they pollute a users item pool. They don't really need any of the benefits of items though, so maybe not.

Should lists be implemented using metadata (formerly links)? Maybe. A users wishlist could point to themselves, and take advantage of existing meta-link logic for figuring out how many lists I'm on and such. Yeah, this is probably a thing.

Using metadata means the following data can be written:

Things like sub-type filtering are not doable, as the name (key) is reserved by the field.

Also, is it worth polluting the metadata table further with additional data/indexes?

mikekasprzak commented 6 years ago

No, using metadata is not desirable. It means non-creators can pollute the raw data returned by the API. Lists should be isolated.

local-minimum commented 5 years ago

Our let's play community would really appreciate this, I think. And it shouldn't have to be too hard to implement something if we don't try too hard and make a perfect final solution in the first iteration.

I saw this tweet today https://twitter.com/s_standke/status/1123532562717188096 and thought, oh shit we really need bookmarks. The way I see it lists are bookmarks+ so perhaps we could do a special list type that are "Games of event X" and have them show up on the Event -> Me section.

I put this comment here rather than on #1129 since this one seemed more detailed.